From citrus


i think she's beautiful
(these particular words were actually first on the list, but my tipsy ass hit delete instead of edit - so now i can "edit" appropriately)

i think she's the shit. dayglow is rad-ness.
her profile tells you how old she is chronologically, but age is an attitude and her number of years is crap - she's better than whatever age it says at this moment (you could either do the math or trust me - i know it's hard)

i love her. i miss her already and we haven't been apart ten minutes (and i've had a bit to drink)
we sit and talk together. we don't need music or television or any other form of entertainment besides ourselves to keep each other occupied or amused. and that's what it's about, i'm tellin' ya.

she's a dear-heart. she's intelligent and intuitive. she's truly concerned about what goes on and she's going to make a great whatever-she-wants-to-be.
i can relate to her in that, as we discussed one day in the parking lot of a grocery store, we are torn between wanting to be the mom-in-a-minivan and the woman career-obsessed, torn between the devoted-wife and the chick-who-changed-the-world.

she's comfortable in her own skin and around other people.

gorgeous, really.
and i'm mostly only wordy as a consequence of conversation we shared this evening. i tried extra hard to make words of the emotion because i told her earlier i didn't think i could do it.
aaaah, a challenge wink

ooo aaa

do you know dayglow ?
if yes, you're lucky.