I just uploaded two pictures to an album, if you don't mind, take a second, and tell me which beard it better. I know it sounds stupid, but I need to settle this disagreement.

The one on the yellow background - the lumberjack / dedicated-hipster look is very in now (y) 
Love the yellow background. I'm aware that I'm 4 months late on this. LOL. 

Good-ish news from the physiotherapist yesterday. Flexor seems to be healing well, though the hip is pretty out of whack which is why I still get sore all the time. She gave me some exercises and stretches to do and wants to see me twice next week. She did some realignment stuff yesterday and I felt pretty amazing afterwards. She's also concerned about my low...
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I have tried something very similar to the recipe you suggested, though I used garlic instead of cayenne pepper. I cannot say that it tasted or smelt great, but it did make me feel better.

Hope you get better soon-ish. It does sound like something that will take time, but you'll get there. :)

Looks like I've got some decisions to make. Here's what's going on in my head.

1. Do I get a new iPhone? I dropped it and cracked the screen. Still works fine, but the front-facing camera is completely destroyed. Pro: No more stupid drunk selfies. Con: No sweet "look at my majestic beard" selfies. Could also just get it repaired, I know, but it might...
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This hip thing is still killing me, but I'm trying really hard to be more upbeat. I know I'm just feeling low because I haven't run around or lifted, or done anything that might be even vaguely be construed as exercise in 4 weeks. Except sex, I guess. Just lost all my credibility, didn't I? How can I complain if I'm still getting laid, right?...
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Who are you thinking of in Van? And what are you thinking of :)? Cute Pup :D

I feel broken. I tore my hip flexor up a couple of weeks ago playing ultimate again, and haven't been able to do any exercise. I probably should have quit playing years ago after my second shoulder dislocation, but it's also the only thing I feel like I've ever loved. The only thing I've ever actually wanted to stick with and put in the time...
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Not really diggin it. Seems slower, less responsive. Don't like the new feeds. And why does going to groups to to the public groups before my groups? Why is there no preference for this?

Considering going on a fast from women. Realized that I have made zero male friends in the last year since I moved here. I've met dudes playing ultimate, sure, but I've...
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First time tonight playing ultimate as a token male on a "Women's" frisbee team. Basically the league here says that you have to play a gender ratio of 5:2. For every other team in the league, that means 5 men and 2 women. Our team decided to go the other route. Basically most of the players are from the team that went to nationals, and...
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Work keeps setting me up to fail, so fuck em. I'm quitting early. It's FRIDAY.Time to dance. Then I think I'll play borderlands 2 until my eyes fall out of my head. Join me if you playz the XBOX. Mine gamering tag is Daxtron.
About 30 seconds in to my first run to the gym in a while, I found myself approaching a guy running the opposite direction who was like a bizzaro mirror image of myself. I think he recognized it too. He grinned, I grinned, and as we grew close, he presented his palm, just above shoulder level. What followed was easily the most perfect high five...
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Haha! So funny...
Haha winning! biggrin
2:30 am and I'm finally packed for a two week trip home in 4 hours or so. People to see, things to do, and ten days in my favourite place in the entire world. Then a week of getting caught up on office gossip, long lunches, and catching up with old friends.

Right now though, I'm debating whether to work or sleep. My achilles tendons...
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Yeah the feed is pissing me off ugh
Have a great trip!
Having a lot of trouble finding my flow at work lately. i just can't get into that space where anything is interesting/challenging enough to conquer my sense of time slowly passing. I remember when I could sit down every day and 8 or 9 hours flew by like nothing. Either it's too easy or repetitive and I get bored right away and ignore it or...
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I'm a geologist, the paper is on some work I did on a group of copper - zinc - gold - silver deposits in Quebec. Globally speaking not that interesting, but geologically interesting biggrin
it sounds like this is the time for some serious life evaluation. if this occupation isn't your career, perhaps it's time to change? life is too short to not find fulfillment in every aspect that you can.
Wow. That last post was some ridiculous, sad-sacky drunk bullshit. The embarassed part of me thinks I should delete it. The rational part of me says I shouldn't pretend I don't get that way and learn from it. That's what happens when you spend time with exes and their new boyfriends before you're ready, kids.
Came across this blog post, and then I had to read the previous one.

Don't delete it; it was honest and true at the time. And don't think that ladies on here are unattainable, stuff happens all the time. You know; the good, loving kind of stuff. wink