ok well not in the valley, but on the lakefront at the very least. I have done three shifts at the ink refilling spot. So far so good. That also means three days of bike riding, which is also so far so good, although I am certainly feeling it today. The job is such that I should be able to study on slow nights, which...
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it sounds like things are going good for you in kingston. try and get some sleep on your day off. smile
to write again is simply to begin writing again I think. So, here it goes.

Thomas sat staring out the window at the world outside his current abode. It was a grey day, with wind gusting occasionally and rain that speckled anything in its path. He noted, with a bemused grin, that everything, even the most vibrant colours looked dull and uninteresting. He watched as...
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thankyou for the set comment smile
I used to write, write a lot, and quite often. I used to have a lot to say... on politics, on sex, on love. I used to write what was in my heart, and in my head and I was unapologetic about it. I wrote poetry, short stories, commentaries, rants, hell even movie reviews. And somewhere along the way I stopped, I started writing short...
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Kingston really sucks the life out of ya don't it? I find I start to get depressed if I don't get my ideas out into some shape or form. IE jewelry or drawing. It's been too long since I've done my own of either.
Ok today has been somewhat exciting. It started with breakfast at the greasy spoon around the corner, which, as always was great. Did a load of laundry and as I was hanging it on the balcony to dry, I received a phone call from a place I had put a resume in. They wanted to interview me on Monday, but as I will be in...
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The bike thing is fantastic, hon! And I hope the job works out for you.

I don't know if you got the last message I left mentioning this, but if you send your e-mail address to me, I'll pass it on to Wade so you two could maybe start e-mailing back and forth. I think you two would hit it off.
So Jill's mom is here with us for a few days... in our one bedroom apt. Sure is cosy. Though I shouldn't complain I suppose. She took us out to Gananoque yesterday to do the thrr hour boat cruise through the Thousand Islands and it was stunning. The weather was perfect, I got to work on my farmer tan... and the scenery was just frickin...
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no problem babes
check out SG Vivid
I custom ordered them from her Before i knew she was an SG too
small world smile
It is funny how things work in a circular pattern. 10 years ago this year, I got married ( I have since been divorced). At that time my wife was a mature student working on her Masters at a Uni in NL. She had a hell of a time trying to find work for the summer months because she was too old (she was several...
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Keep at it. My mom graduated from two colleges and found the work to keep her going through both. She's... Hell.. I don't even know how old my mom is. Mid 50's. Though, she has been having trouble finding work since she got back here into town.

All her jobs were somewhat in her field of study though. Humane soscioty, vet tech, lab research. etc.
thanks =) I will be ok once the fall rolls around, so it is just a matter of surviving until then =)
There are few things as degrading as trying to find work, I am out there applying for part time positions in shit jobs, just tofind something to tide me through the summer. So far the only call back interst I have received is to work at a job I would sooner pull my toenails out than do... call centre work for an inusrance company... oh...
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thank you very much for the kind words in my journal. and i wish you all the luck with your job hunt.
Thanks for the compliment on my set. I really appreciated it! kiss
One of the very best things thus far about Kingston is the thunderstorms. They are... incredible. There is not much that is sexier than a thunderstorm. The power behind the rolling thunder, the electricity flying through the air, the sensuality of the water pooring from the heavens. They were a truly rare occurance back home but here, we are getting at least one a week...
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i love Thunderstorms. I wish we had more.
I was so looking forward to having a summer off, but you know, I am not sure what to do with myself while having this time off. I am in a new city, on the verge of being broke, and I am discovering that I am not so good with some sense or purpose of self. I am going to wander aimlessly again today and...
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yeah, part time work could be the way to go. My sister lives in kingston, but i don't think you and her would be into the same things.
gladly. thank you
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the coolest book you can find. Do what's actually next to you.

Mine was...

Da zhong shu dian zai nanhua lu dong kou lu bei nei ge...
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Gah! none of the books close to me have 123 pages! Here's the closest one that does.

"Similarly, you shouldn't feel shy about using doors labelled "Emergency Exit" or "Fire Exit" or even "No Exit", as long as no alarm is threatened."

Access All Areas: A user's guide to the art of Urban Exploring, by Ninjalicious.

You almost got an entry from a book about precious gems. But this was ontop of it.
The only things next to me are appointment books and tattoo mags.

Glad to hear you guys made it up okay. If you send your contact info to my e-mail, I'll pass it on to Wade and his to you.


Also: With the exception of the lilies, Jill's flowers are still alive and well. Hugh brought a bouquet of roses, lilies and a few other flowers for my birthday so I added them to yours. I now have one rockin' bouquet decorating my kitchen. Cheers.
We are sae and sonud in Kingston, and slowly but surely getting settled in. I live about 4 blocks from downtown and there looks like there is a plethera of choices for restaurants etc, the grocery store is close, as are the booze store and beer stores. The school seems to be close (walking there today to explore a little) and so far, we are...
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Welcome to Kingston!

Places of Interest:

The Sleepless Goat; A coffee shop owned and operated by hippies. Good quesadilas.
Located on Princess just down from Wellington.

Novel Idea: The last indie book store in town. If they don't have it they can probably get it.
Located on the corner of Princess and Bagot.

The Brew Pub; Our local bewing company/pub. Their signature ale is Dragon's Breath Real Ale. It's damned good.
Located just above the corner of Brock and Ontario..

Madeline's: A candy shop that for some sketchy reason is open later than the bars. They sell candy and cigarettes. I suspect this includes 'nose candy'.
Located on the corner of Princess and Division.

There are about six sushi places in town. Take your pick. They're all pretty good.

VIP; The best takeout chinese in town. Look them up in the phone book.
Good walk-in lunch specials too. They're on Princess and university I believe. Or else near there.

There's more. Lemmie know if you're looking for anything in particular.
I R Hedumacated!, now it is official, one convocated motherfucker! B. A. Honours and a medal for academic excellence. Now comes the move!
Congrats, hon.

Fuck, I feel so bad that I didn't get to give you and Jill proper 'going away' hugs. I hope your move goes smoothly. I'll send Wade's number to your e-mail as soon as I get a spare moment.
And tell Jills I lurves her and will miss her so. That's a special lady you got there.
way to go smile