So, my head chef has noticed me becoming a little antsy at work lately, and instead of him letting me take a vacation (his words."you have become to valuable to the company to take any time off"), he had been making me take breaks. Now I don't have a problem with going out to my car and listening to some music and smoking a few...
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Blah. Blah blah blah blahbitty blah blah. Blah blah blahing blah balhed blah blah blahing blaher blah blah. WTB?
And then she said, "Sure, I can do that for you." And everything was cool.

hahahahahahahahahaha...nice blog...

thank you for your love,mister..i looked your profile and i have to say that you are very interesting person...smile
So today, actually yesterday, was the nine year anniversary of my son's murder. Needless to say, it was shitty. Everything that could be wrong was wrong.
1. I had to work today, even though I requested the day off several times over the past month.
2. Everyone kept asking me what was wrong.
3. It was Bambino pasta night at the hotel. Meaning, I had...
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So I'm semi-settled in to my new place. Apparently, these apartments aren't quite as well built as my old place. My upstairs neighbor is (actually was, I officially apologized and explained tonight) mad at me for playing my music too loudly. She seems nice though. Has full angel wings tatted on her back, so she can't be too bad of a person.
Cute too. Shame...
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So I ran into someone I haven't seen in quite a long time that I think would be the epitome of Suicide Girl. She has a full back piece, half sleeve, multi piercings, and a fuck you attitude. I used to work with her a couple of years ago. And herein lies the problem. When I ran into her, a guy was talking to her...
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Well, the Park Ave. apartment wasn't as good as advertised, so I'm still on the hunt for a place to live. Problem is, I've been working6 days a week with no time to actually go and look at any. I'm off today, but most offices are closed. Yea for me.
Got my promotion though. Three thousand dollar a year raise, also. This is definitely going...
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Thanks for the"Loved it" vote on my set "Pyroerotica", it was sweet of you <3!
So I rent from a private owner... and guess what. he is going into foreclosure. But, since I have a charmed life. I have found a place on Park Ave for 500 a month. Nice how things work out.


P.S. Oh, and I finally got the chance to work circles around the two people that out rank me at work in front of...
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So, my friends tried to kill me last night. They made a shot with 19 different liquors and dared me to drink it. Me being the cocky fool that I am, did and still feel pretty shitty. Not a small shot either. A full rocks glass. Ug.

Oh, and I think I met my future ex-wife last night. Before the shot, mind you. I guess...
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So I am losing my patience with people. I made the mistake of going out tonight. I live in Orlando Fla, and unfortunately, the basketball game was on at my local hang out. I like sports, but I never understood the getting mad when someone I don't know or will ever know loses a game. I guess it is the whole fratboy mentality.
Ug. I...
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Promotion coming up. My bosses tell me it is inevitable. Finally, a little recognition.
