My life has taken a turn for the unkown...I have a dead in job...my marriage is hanging on by a thread.

I had the realization today..and for most of the day had a clear head...something that doesn't happen often.

Turns out confessing that realization I had, in hopes that it would fix things, only made every thing worse. Maybe it is a test, maybe it...
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It has been a long, tiring short day...If that even makes sense.

I have had a few job interview's, one yesterday and one this morning.

Yesterday's was a cluster...froze on answering questions that I know as far as Linux command line tasks and basic port numbers; not holding my breath on that one.

Today's was just strange and I am pretty sure it is out...
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Kisses for you 😙
Thanks, darling ;)

The fog might lift at some point. I continue to have good days and bad days mentally, but never cosistantly have good days in a row.

Not sure what more I can do to ease what is going on inside my head, but I know at some point it is going to consume me to a point where I am not able to get back...
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I can relate. Some days are constant struggle. You wake up hoping today will be a good day and it usually doesn't turn out that way :/ 
Very true.  I have tried to find a therapist to see if I can talk things through, but I am always fearful of how quick they are to medicate and then push you away to the next client.