I need things from the world. I need things, and I can't bring myself to get them. This is quite possibly one of my least favorite days in the year. Everybody resorts to their base animal urges just to get a better deal on "Product X" than anyone else. With any luck, by the time they come to me for coffee tonight, they'll have gotten...
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A mind in the guise of open
closed to what it outgrew
A flag raised high for futures sake
disregards the things it knew
Used to love used to long
USED to judge USED to wrong

In its fight for independence
became wrought with grand ineptness
I present yourself to you
Guessing what you're bound to do
take defense in what you see
and use...
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Open your minds

When I was a child
I hated the letter Q
felt so cheated
an o with a tail
was so different
and a g whose ass
worn backwards
still a g? no. still q

My hatred for Q
felt no different
the other 25
Don't judge all
by just one face
its usurping
no disguise
see right through
with childrens eyes
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Monsoon officially started over a week ago, but tonight was the first night of heavy rain at my house. It makes me happy. My roomates dog gets a little freaked out by rain and lightning, though. I took her outside so show her that it was okay, and she seemed to get over it a little, but she was still a bit nervous.

Dude, I love the monsoons. With a quick ferocity, the strom comes in, drops rain and thunder and lightning and then it's gone.

Such a calmimg sensation.

I just wish it would make its way over to us instead of going around.
Give her a Benadryl. She'll be a little drunk, but she wont be freaking out so much. Poor Greb was SO drunk today. She was all cross-eyed. PS, I don't know when I'm coming home, my knee isn't getting a whole lot better yet, still really swolen and painful. I miss you, though.
Dedicating the majority of my time this weekend to music. Minus the time it takes to go see Transformers, because... well, it's Transformers.
I thought it was a waste of money. blackeyed
Give me some credit. I am smarter than you seem to think I am. It's not what you're doing that gets under my skin, makes my pulse rate jump, or keeps me from sleep. It's the disrespect that you send my way. It's the way you think that I don't have any idea. I'm not ignorant, and I'm certainly not blind.

I wish I could...
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Living your life like you've got some big secret explains about 2/3ths of the more "exotic" parts of Internet culture I think.
The choices were made, but the consequences lingered. A conundrum had arose: In trying to rediscover himself, he had essentially become isolated. While this solved the problem he was facing, it presented a new problem. It's one thing to be isolated, it's another to be alone.
...his heart raced. He knew what he must do, but he hesitated. He knew that his choice would hinder him, but he took comfort in the fact that it could set him free.
I once told myself that I would not do anything to compromise who I am. That no matter what came my way in life, or who for that matter, I would always be myself. Friends and lovers may come and go, but you are always there, and no matter what you must always be able to look at yourself and be happy.

Yet, somehow, I...
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I keep getting this nagging feeling like I am not being told the entire truth. Like there are things that I should know, but the parties involved keep from me for their own benefit. I read once that a man, suspicious of those around him, will likely overlook the evidence presented to him in order to keep from upsetting his world. I feel like I...
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