I'll be back next week. Have a good 5th through 12th everybody. smile

Oh, no, it is not a vacation, just more stupid work and deadlines. frown

- crushjunkie -
yeah it's rough having a life, but someone has to have one LoL!!!
thanx for your involvment in my croisade, but i'm afraid the infidels are legion here wink
I'm glad you think it's a good record: it's not an easy one for sure, but it has content in an era that only looks for quantity over quality.

i sincerely appreciate !

jimmyjoe snark le third
Happy 4th of July to all my friends south of the border!

The final UEFA EURO 2004 game is being played today at 2:45 (my time) between Portugal and Greece.

This seems a very fitting match-up since Portugal lost to Greece in the opening game of the tournament. I predict that Portugal will come out today and finally prove themselves to be the better team...
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i cant believe i have a soccer fan in my friends list .
ok, i will look the other side smile

jjs III
well i hope you had fun watching your game and such... i had the joy of working...

btw, what the hell did just happen? tongue
"Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear I can see your soul."


At no time have these lyrics seemed more true than yesterday when I came upon a profile of a beautiful young girl. Typically, on this site, such girls are too far away and have boyfriends; she is no exception. But the pictures of her gorgeous eyes and face made...
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yes, the island is built around GREAT scenery and clubs....I'm used to have my eyes wide open, and long before 5 AM....Kind of kills the fun, but i rather know and enjoy less than being just a stupido sheep and follow it without understanding.

this said, it was a very cool time, even if it was hard work....

jjs III smile
hello there, thanks for the welcome kiss
I just encountered a very large ant.

It came up on my keyboard and startled me. I jumped back and shook my fist at it. Then I measured it - it was 5/8" long and 1'8" thick (black). Before I could remove it, it jumped off and ran away making that large insect scratching sound I once heard a Brooklyn cockroach make on hardwood flooring....
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yeah i would die if something happened to my car, i have insurance but it took me 6 months to find this car, they only imported 300 to the US. what kind of car did you have?

Tech Support:
1. right click the image after added it to your pictures folder and click "Copy Image Location" if you are using Firebird, with IE click "Properties" then copy the "Address" link then click "Ok"
2. Click "Image" under Insert
3. Paste the link in the pop-up window.
1. Control Click and select "Copy Image Location"
2. Click "Image" under Insert
3. Paste the link in the pop-up window.

good luck
that sucks, i used to love that car, i always wanted one. such a unique car, where i live they do that all of the time, i went to the movies one time with my friend and we came out and his car was gone. the theatre was packed an nobody saw a thing. when the cops came the first thing they said was "was it a civic?" it was, the cop then laughed. this kid's car was totally tricked out. he probably dumped 15k into it. i guess the moral is, if someone wants it that bad they are going to take it.
An event in the life of a crushjunkie:

Boy meets girl.
Boy goes out with girl and a few mutual soccer friends for dinner.
Pleasant conversation. Pleasant smiles.
Girl invites boy to birthday party.
Much fun ensues, boy develops a crush.
Boy is unsure if the other boy hovering near is girl's boy...
The plot thickens.
Girl goes out west for two weeks.
Boy's crush...
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hey at least she didn't kick your soccer balls
oh man, bummer.. hope the meeting wasn't too painful. my situation has become stable: i have an advisor. not the guy i wanted, but a good guy, a good professor.. so i am on the path. we shall see.
I recently came upon an awesome posted link of funny stuff (thanks again, gavanv) so I wanted to share:




These are my favourites, but feel free to browse the site...
I find it quite fitting that today is a cold, miserable, rainy day as I have just lost a friend. An online conversation about fairly deep topics - existence, friendship, love, ended when she signed off without responding. I tried to contact her a few times, write, call, but she chose not to answer. My speculation (well supported by other conversations with mutual friends) is...
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i'm sorry to hear that, but it's unfortunately sooooo damn easy to get in a fight online....look at me, i just post a comment on a Current Event board that may (or may not) have someone flaming at me while in fact i was just making a joke up....But somehow, this cold media is bending and twisting our original intentions so much it' sux...

If she was to be a real, long time friend, she will come back....Juste leave it a few days, people have different timings....

still, have a nice day smile

it's probably not too late to talk to her again, she'll get over it
Down to the last seven days of deadline frown

I went to a party tonight to hear my friends' band play their first gig ever. It was awesome. They have been rehearsing for quite some time and it shows. The place was packed with sympathetic friends and everybody had a blast. I audio recorded the event and will soon start distributing CDs.

Then I had to...
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yes, ok, i will have a blast for you in Ibiza smile
i can see you're into electro bands...check mine on cd baby

>How many Ducatis have you owned? (Honda rider in training)

well, i owned two. I loved them, i only sold them to get a bigger, more expensive one.
first ducati was in 97, it was a 1989 750 Sport: a great, trouble free ride. I sold it a year later to get a 1993 900 Superlight. That bike was awesome, i had such a good time with it...You should try a ducati once, it's a real addictive machinery !

ciao for now,

whats up FRIEND? smile
11 days to deadline. I'm officially freaking out, but at the same time not stressing at all. I find this odd, and somewhat concerning.

I have a crush on a girl I barely know. I met her online, she seems amazing. She is six years older than me; I wonder if that's a problem.... She seems very open and honest. We'll see how it goes....
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Thank you! kiss
so you've heard of my 5 billion employee company have you? small worldwink

maybe you should just give me 2 dollars twice a week?
I added a few more pictures to my miscellaneous folder today. Any thoughts?

Next week I will upload a folder of photos from Italy.

- crushjunkie -
I am having such an awesome week. I'm playing tons of soccer, enjoying the weather, writing like crazy, getting good feedback, and soon, the pool will be warm enough to swim in. I cannot wait!!! smile

This weekend is going to rock! A couple of birthday parties, much alcohol... watch out dance floor, here comes me.
a little fluffy soul is sick and i'm worried about her
'T' minus 29 days...

the pressure is mounting...

acceleration is essential...

maneuverability crucial...

...but the promise of relief makes it all worth while. frown
29 days until what?
18 days until my thesis deadline. Until then, I will have to sit here, chained to my computer, writing and graphically designing like a madman. After that, I will spend all of July in the workshop building my designs, hopefully defend in August, and go to London (UK) to look for a job. smile

You are right, time does heal all wounds.