Someone gave me an idea for an AMV "master project" last Friday. For now I'll just say that it won't be so much an Anime Music Video as a composite anime movie feature. More clues to the nature of the project in the future.

BTW my latest AMV is up. SaiKano to "Maps" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Chise's Heart
Love that song.
Shameless self-promotion:

Just in the past 3 months I have made 5 AMVs (2 of those remasters of the low quality ones I did a few years ago.) Still up on AMV.org is Mr. Ikari's Neigborhood, mostly as a reminder of where I was.

I'm trying to make videos for as many Poe songs as possible.

If you are a member you can DL my...
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yea but hopefully you'll see a new one soon!! wink
yeah, ice should be the only mixer when you're talking about Jack
A year and some months since I was last here.

My subscription ran out while I was in Korea and I guess the site didn't like the address I was using to re-subcribe.

I'm back in the states now, in my own 1 BR apartment near Omaha
This is not the previously promised rant, but it just came to mind and I can't sleep until it's out.

When asked where I'm from, I can expect a certain response to me reply 4/5 times. "Texas, only steers and queers come out of Texas." I know they're only quoting a movie (and if it's said in a movie it must be true) but whoever...
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ACLU Upset At Marines

A picture of Marines praying at a recent ceremony honoring the birthday of the Corps has the ACLU up in arms. "These are federal employees," says Lucius Traveler, a spokesman for the ACLU, "on federal property and on federal time. For them to pray is clearly an establishment of religion, and we must nip this in the bud immediately."

When asked...
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In a ranty mood:

From 4chan
"Yet the same people hate bush....he's killed way more people than nevada (Japanese school-girl who killed a classmate for calling "Nevada" fat)...man he's cool."

From some people's disdain of Bush you'd think he personally flew the planes. I don't consider myself a conservative, some people just go too far. I hate O'Reily as much as I hate Moore. It's...
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finally someone who could put words to what I think, you need to come to casey and do that more often, i cant ever seem to say what needs to be said.
wait, that was from 4chan? then maybe you dont need to come to casey
Haven't been posting here in a while...

4chan will steal your soul!!!
WOW, we see the face behind the infrequent posts smile hopefully you have more time to stay in touch with the sg peoples
I'm at casey
I don't really care for exteme views. For instance, I hate O'Reily as much as Moore. They both force their views upon the weak minded with shock and self-rightiousness. "This is what you think and this is why you should think it! QUOTE ME!!!" Sound bite after sound bite, misconstrued and out of context.

Of couse, I guess we wouldn't have these people if there...
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Got an e-mail fom my estranged father. I don't know how I'm going to reply to it. Am I that much like him that his message reads like something I would write? I've spent my whole life making myself a better man than him. Saying to myself, "At least I have not repeated his mistakes." At least I am not 25 with a son that...
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Well, he's reaching out. And that's a gutsy move for him. I bet it ain't easy either.

That's all I got to say.