I think somehow karma has risen it's ugly head. I fooled around with my ex, and now I'm sick (he had warned me he had been sniffling, etc.)
The forbidden fruit is just that much sweeter, no? ... No, says the sniffle monster. puke

So, for now, just know that I would tackle anyone who got me one of these while I was sick

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Awww elmerfud head, if I had money I would buy you a plushy HIV but alas I spent all of mine on getting prints of my photos done. BTW I posted up pictures from the show in my latest blog, hope you feel better soon!
Thanks smile

Hmm... The problem with forbidden fruit is that it ripens so fast smile

smile I love it when Daffy's being devious and evil, Bugs is such a try-hard.

Couches make me feel like someone is lying next to me; perhaps that's why its so much easier to fall asleep on a couch?
thanks for the add...i look forward to seeing more of your work.
This is a blog of the debate whether not to go back to an ex, so I'll put it underneath a spoiler in case no one wants to look at the whiny crap. You're welcome in advance, because I'll probably end up annoying myself, too.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Dave and I dated for only two months. I haven't had a serious relationship that has...
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its okay to love him sweetie, but that doesnt mean you should be together. the guy who's only sweet and vilnerable when he's drunk is a lie. people who can only express themselves when they are under the influence have a lot of emotional work to do on themselves, i speak from experience. i had an ex just like that. he's stil the same, hasnt matured a bit and probably never will. its a shame. i'm glad i'm not with him.
hell yeah, i know you!
and gl is better off without me. that place started sucking out my soul.
and i would offer my advice on this situation but it seems to be settled. you must be hanging in the wrong crowd.
I might end up getting a job at a leather shop down in San Jose. I'm not sure if I'm really down for it. I haven't had a desire to be around any kind of motorcycles for long periods of time since my uncle was killed (I was twelve). But since my dad has just gotten an '84 Shovelhead in damn near mint condition, coerced...
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Wow mucho interesting life… o. The most interesting thing to happen to me of late was that my girlfriend suggested a John Lennon and Yoko Ono day, tomorrow. I think this was her fun way of saying lets stay in bed and mess about. However I couldn’t help but imagine it to mean the alienation of all my friends, the taking up of strange practises, and ultimately ending in some nut job shooting me. Lucky I am English and was able to internalise the whole episode while appearing perfectly happy on the outside leaving her none the wiser to my panic attack.

My up bringing has gifted me with all the tools I require to hide the fact that I am faulty and have abnormal thought processes. tongue
Fucking tools ...
Don't you hate it when you have a premonition about someone and it ends up being correct? frown
I had a dream about my friend Gian where he had written me an elaborate letter explaining his current situation and how he loved me for who I was whatever and didn't want to spoil that.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

I've had a crush on him...
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Hey there new friend!
I'm doin quite well, I hope you like my little arty stuff, I'm gonna be showing at my first exhibition on June 1-3!
shocked I am overly jealous!!!! I wish you could share more pics
Good evening young lady and I can assure you that as I type this I am indeed correct in stating that it is currently the evening. I know this to be true because it is both dark outside and I am sleepy. This as you know is the rule to which will all live to upon the Queen’s green and fertile land. Erm what I really mean to say is hello and also that I am in rather a silly mood. Hence the strange blog and well this. Cool pictures by the way. I should really put up some photo evidence of social activities; I don’t mean the ones that I observe through my bedroom window but the ones I actually take part in. I think I best take my self away from the keyboard now. surreal
I don't say this lightly
but I am really disappointed with my family. frown
Oh holy fucken wah.
I'm done with finals, I moved back home AAAAND I'm still vertical.

And I'm going to really fucken miss my roommates

Yes, I look totally trashed. I had gotten I think about 10 hours of sleep the entire week.
Oh, and if you haven't already, check out my art site.
I put up a couple of my prints and drawings....
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I thought you had to quit school and go take care of things?
You have no choice but to get up and snog with said boy during class.