ugh. so f'ing sick! fever sweats chills cough sneezy runny nose and the worst case of body aches... blagh... you name it i got it. anyways, there's todays complaint. puke
Haha. That would rule but don't think it's going to happen. Maybe i'll see her next week.

Hope ya feel better so you can get back to your friends. smile
i'm so sad. i just want to get ahead. i feel so held back... by money and debt. i left home so young, and have always struggled to support myself. over the past few months, i've really opened my eyes to the way i spend my money. and i've pretty much stopped. i've been eating rice for fuck sakes. so many of my 'friends' either...
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well well well.... just a little more trauma for pour little me... the 31st of january is the day my roommate was supposed to be all moved out on. so he gets most of his shit out the day before, then comes back for his tv, bed, and desk. he scratched and chipped the fireplace mantle thingy while he took the tv down. so, i...
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and here I thought my boss trying to molest me and every other guy at a party, followed by her passing out and peeing on the couch was crazy.... but you beat that by far... hope you get some quiet time soon....
lol, sounds exciting...bet the blood was pumping after that ordeal. He sounded like a douche and got what he deserved anyway.
I had an ex who was violent with me, which was strange because I'm not violent at all. I'd just stand there as she hit me and ask, "what are you doing?". Lol, yeah weird relationship there.
Re: Tom Morello - I got to see him play seperately too on another stage that day. Can't remember what he called himself, it was like a band name or something. Pretty cool dude
thanks for your support!!!! yeah i ate shit snowboarding... wish i was doing something super cool, but it was just a lousy backside 180 and i caught an f'ing edge. as soon as my wrist hit the ground, i felt this gross cracking/grinding/tingling pain. i knew i broke it right away. my buddy called patrol, then i got a toboggan ride to the patrol hut....
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Fuck that sucks. I ate shit this season to and racked my back but it was nothing as extream as yours. Hope ya feel batter.
still sending healing vibes your way kiss
...hahaha *smirks and shakes head*, you have to laugh really. It's always doing something simple that we hurt ourselves the most, uncanny.

P.S. hahahaha, nice altered story. Ever thought of writing a book tongue
so, on top all my financial issues, i broke my arm....
nice... making things harder for yourself, just so you'll become tougher.... sign of a true champion....

ps, get better soon...
if you don't mind me asking.....how the hell did you manage that??
sending healing vibes kiss
Grr, a little frustrated a little stressed. Moving, again. Roommate gave me his notice, if you can call it that. He'll be out in a of couple days. So now I'm stuck with feb's rent, awsome. And since I can't afford this place, I'll be moving at the end of feb, broke a s fuck. So i'm in the middle of selling all my shit....
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I know how ya feel about all that shite, had a few people fuck me around when it came to a place to live. My belongings got less and less because of it.
meh *hug* (lol, it's all I can do really)

As far as mountains, ummm, I wasn't planning on changing from Whistler but you never know when I'm there. Especially considering a friend has been there for about 3 yrs now & 2 others are there for a year so who knows what kind of shinnanigans will abound.
2008, wonder what this year has in it for me. new years res... chill out and let it go. i seem to feel different already. seeing things for what they are, possibilities, chances. out with the pessimism, in with the optimism. think fresh, think now, think forward. fuck, maybe a little less thinking. just relax, chill out and let it go
Im feeling kinda diffrent to. I noticed I don't have my normal RAGE as often. Been in a good mood lately to.
happy 08.
It's much easier to let it go once the thoughts are dealt with.
Hmmm, so it's not just me who feels something different's coming this year, interesting
there is no where near enough words to describe the experience i had at the Tool concert on november 29. they're a band that i've followed and loved ever since i was, oh i dunno, like 14... maybe a year younger. and to actually see them play a show was incredible. grr... i'm sitting here trying to think of how and what to say about...
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i know, its so much fun to ride. biggest grin on my face ALL the time. hehe. do you have a curvy or a pointy? xx
glad to hear you had a blast. i'm a bit jealous.

start of another week... found out that work likes me... well except the owner, which is a bit of a problem. yeah i kinda missed a shift and didn't call... oops. shit happens. i can make up for it with my mad skills lol .... so, i'm still kind of confused about where i'm going to be in the next little while. working, student, canadian...
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Uh oh, how's your head now? Bit of a heavy night then I take it? :p

"how do soooo many people figure it out"

I don't think I know anybody that's actually figured it out. I know a lot of people that lie to themselves and others and act as if they've figured it out, others that think they've figured it out only to find out they were dead wrong, and a whole bunch that never even truly tried to figure it out. Be happy that you are trying. Maybe one day you will, maybe you'll just get close. But at least you'll know that you actually searched and applied yourself to finding something that matters to you, something meaningful.
another sunless gloomy day... lots to think about over the next little while. considering the joining canadian forces. well, pretty much thought about it, filled out an online application, but i think it might of fucked up. gives me a little more time to think things through i guess.... whatever
its something that i have always wanted to do, and i think now is the time...
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not really much one can say to that.... best of luck coming up w/ a solution.... oh, my roommate is in the army, so if you want some inside info, let me know.... huh, how about that, I did come up w/ something!!!