it's my 38th bday...i'm fuckin old....i have a good job, i coach an incredible basketball team, i got tattos on progress, inside i feel like a 20 yo but today i'm really sad. I don't know why....this year is the first hated bday in my life....fortunately there are SGs to make my day!!


It's friday!!!!! We have a great planning for tonight, early basketball workout, dinner with friends at my house, and the night planned on the road, from bar to bar, club to club no one knows what it can happens....

We have rum for appetizer, wine for the dinner, pot for the night....maybe something crazy will happens :D

And you? What's your friday night planning?


i woke up this morning with the idea that today, after almost a month, i'd see again her eyes...yes, was planned that she came back to my office for her job, and sincerly i was a little scared. Why scared? 'Cause if hurt thinking about her i don't really know how can i manage to see her again. But she's not here...she's going to be...
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