Way quick update: L.A. was grand. Troy rocked the house, and I love all of his friends. wink that is a first for us.
Michele 'lived' with me for nearly two weeks, and has just gone back to school/work, and will be staying with her friend Serena.
Still looking for a new job/2nd job/better job, and looking further into financial aid.
Still have to do my...
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I have yet to ever even venture into Berkeley...one of these days, but I dont think we will make it to the witch event.....
Wow, sounds like a good time. I haven't done my taxes either, holy crap!
Well...I'm going to L.A. next week to see Troy. He's got a show at the Avalon, next weds night. who knew? wink tis' awesome, nonetheless. School starts next week, again, aussi.

Easter is up in the air...as is whether or not my friend is going to be flying to Hawaii in the AM. *sighs* i really hope she still goes, but there's a big hitch in...
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Dresden Came out today
Yeah, thats the guy...character actor, I love him!

M & B have been performing every January at the Dean Lesher Theatre in Walnut Creek for the last few years...it's worth going. They get kinda rauchy since they dont have to worry about kids in the audience.

We had a good easter, I overate, and my stomach is still a little mad at me about that, but it was so good!
Sonora Celtic Festival--formerly the Calaveras Celtic Games--is alot of fun. A bit more Renn, a hella lot more music (which is a Major Plus) and the fairgrounds are really more like rodeo grounds...just barely on the edge of town, too. YAY! you can walk to and from your hotel, if you stayed in the area. *sighs* i love that. we did that for the jousting...
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Hi there, you dont live too far from us, were about 20 mins from ya. I have seen you around on the site from time to time. I used to go to Renfaire ALL the time, but I havent been in about 3 years. I really miss it, the last thing we went to was the Pirate Festival up in Vallejo, its free, so that makes it easy to go!
I didnt know there was one in SLO...you know what I really miss? Moonie and Broon! I actually started looking for them on youtube so I could get a fix! We are going to the pirate festival again this year, it would be fun to meet up[!
So my friend is back from Sweden...or nearly. He's been working with Warner Bros., apparently. Crazy stuff. They are going to love him in the clubs, me thinks. So 80's. ;-) I love it. Who else but Troy can say Super Whore, and it be ok?
Life's a funny thing, sometimes. The kids on that are always on the bottom are finally crawling their way...
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Love the profile pics - especially the one with the umbrella...
What isn't a good sound?
http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2BS4ENOXXCYBA ---place holder for editing purposes...muwahaha!
Hope everyone had a wunderbar Valentine's! I know I did. mmm, chocolate port...delicious!
Almost finished with season 2 of The Tudors. Watched CORALINE and PUSH over the weekend, and approved highly of both. CANNOT WAIT to see NINE, which comes out 9/9/09. Squeeeeeeee. & The Watchmen is less than a month away now, aussi. much splodey goodness.

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school's good. work's good--just not a lot of it going around. but...we make things work, we do.
birfday is next saturday. woot! it will be a day of Coraline, good food, and chocolate port. nummy!
REPO! The Genetic Opera is on a steady rotation at me home...i think i've watched it nearly every day...on a couple days, I watched it one time in the morning,...
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maybe it is just me, but the link didn't work on your wishlist.

Glad things are going well...and chocolate port does sound awesome. I'll be taking my wife to see Coraline next weekend as well since we are both huge Gaiman fans.
i was thinking that i'd posted recently, then i remembered that the site was all buggy when i last tried. c'est la vie.
the new classes are awesome.
i'm beyond broke, once more. woohoo???
still waiting to hear back about a 2nd job.
getting a new roommie, as one of the old roommies freaked out on the main roommie, and all is chaotic but much...
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glad you're enjoying your classes. Plato does take a lot of time, but hell, I love that stuff. Tasty rum is always good.
Don't be too proud to take the assistance you can get like food stamps and such, if you can get them. Fafsa ought to help out a lot as well, as long as you're willing to go into debt for student loans.
still poor...Really poor. but The Boy just started working at my store. woot. so there is more money about to come in.
reapplying for Financial Aid, and attempting to convince the State to reinstate my unemployment. this is hard, as they keep trying to set up phone interviews..and i am either working/in class/or my phone is n/a as it has no $$$ on it. *sighs*...
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I registered for 5 classes, next qtr...yeah, I'm kind of a masochist.
Here's the skeelo--Child Development: the Early Years, Public Speaking/Speech1, American Govt. & Politics (mmm, PoliSci!), Intro to Philosophy (with the prof. who hated my bf...haha, this should be fun. I love white middle class women who run semi-socialist clubs for college students who really *seemingly* don't have a clue about Oppression), & African-Americans...
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Hey, how's it going! I kinda disappeared from this site for a while, but now I'm back. I thought I'd drop in and say hi. How have you been?
I feel your financial pain and your academic masochism.
~~illness (of the coughing up parts of your lungs kind), school projects, and work (as in prepping for serious Corporate types coming to visit) has made this Jill a dull girl.
though, protesting has been both informative, dangerous, and fun.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
i'm looking forward to my next set of school projects--two group projects, talking about stories/children's books made into...
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