From topaz_


I am sooo happy you liked my set! Thanks for your love and support on my set pretty lady! <3

Of course babe!! You deserve it, it's such a gorgeous set! <3

From topaz_


Awww! You're too sweet. Thanks for the constant love and support babe, it means a lot. <3

From indi


oh my god hello *.* why am I just discovering you as soon as I leave Las Vegas! 

I saw that you just recently moved!! That makes me so sad :(

From topaz_


Ekkk! Thank you for the love and support. It means a lot to me. <3

You're so welcome babe! Hope this set turns you pink! You deserve it!! <3
*fingers crossed*

From rawruh


thank you so much for the lovin on my set dear you're too great <3

Of course lady! It's a beautiful set <3

From topaz_


Thanks babe for your love and support! <3 I've really enjoyed your sets, when is your next one out?

You're very welcome love! <3 Thank you so much. I'm shooting another one with CDO soon so it won't be out for a while haha. 
Oh :( well I look forward to seeing it when it does come out! xoxo