Dear sir or madam,

We the undersigned do not enjoy academic deadlines. Do not confuse this with a simple dislike of academics. We will read the books, write the papers, and perform the tasks as we feel fit to.

Thank you for your time,
The countless masses
I have to make this quick because I'm going to "The Animation Show" shortly. I haven't updated in so long because nothing has been particularly worth saying. Been drunk. Been upset. Been busy. Whatever.

Went downtown last night with a friend, a co-worker I like, and her rooommate. I only had 4 drinks, which is way less than my usual when it comes to going...
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i am 21...isnt your name after the vodka???
thanks so much

-ape kiss
I don't know what to say. I just felt like updating my journal.

I finally got the nerve to tell you
How much you mean to me
You said I was your best friend
A real sweet guy
But that's all I'd ever be

How I love and hate The Ataris music. That is, I love the music and hate how it hits home.

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Thank you for the birthday wish biggrin
Thanks for commenting on my new set smile Glad you liked it kiss
So KJEE's "Flashback Lunch" plays the best of the 80's and 90's music. The 90's are flashback material? WTF!? No! "Flashback" is 60's. "Flashback" is 70's. Don't call my highschool music "flashback"! It aged me emotionally 20 years in less than 20 seconds.

I'm recovering slowly-- so as not to break a hip. The nerve of the radio station for making me feel old at...
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I was looking at the college group and see you recommended UCSB for film. Im thinking of transferring their for fall 05. Geography major. I was wondering how far away a person has to go to get affordable housing ($750/mo). I understand SB is pretty pricey. Hows the school in general? Ive heard good thing.

Ya want to feel young? Im 46. hahahah
Thanks for the info.
It seems that I only update this journal when I have mega craploads of homework due. Fittingly, I have a history paper due tomorrow. In itself that isn't so bad. Just 5-6 pages. In Courier New, that's really only 3.5 pages of work. But I have work at 7:30 tomorrow morning and then class until 2, but I'll likely ditch the last class to get...
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Hello. I saw you on the English Usage group. I just have to say that i love your username. Eddie Izzard is a god.

ThanQ kiss
So my roommate and I counted up how many days this last week we got drunk. My number was five, his four. Wow. We did some stupid stuff while drunk (of course). Nothing I'll regret in a week, but I did feel bad about some of it at the time. Oh well, it's all in the past.

I finished knitting my first ever beanie. It's...
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oh santa barbara. good times. good times.
Friday is my film theory midterm. Last night I figured out I have about 120 pages to read for it-- as opposed to the 280 that have been assigned so far. Not too shabby. In fact, I've even read some of those pages prior. Now comes the hard part of understanding what the hell is being said. Film and photography are modern reactions to the...
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Thanx smile
So the Jell-o party has not yet happened. And since it's now winter, we are thinking of waiting until spring for it. I've gone through 2 hairstyles since my last update, but I have no digital pictures of them. Maybe I can find a scanner.

Last night I got royally wasted and made an ass of myself. But I'm feeling pretty good today. Three day...
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Hey smile

thanks for commenting on my set..smilekiss ..glad you like it blush

Sorry its taken so long to reply...things have been a tad puke .

Hope 2005 brings you your dreams

Have you ever thrown a Jello wrestling party? If so, I'd like to know:
How much money it cost?
How much Jello did you use?
What equipment do you recommend (besides kiddie pool, tarp, hose) I have available?

I told my roommates about the ones I have been to, and now they are set on us throwing one. It'd be fun, for sure. But I...
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Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate hearing it. And, nope, not jello-wrestling party...though I'd go to one.
thanx for the sweet comments on my set!
So long has it been since I've written in here. Nothing I can really say, other than school is totally getting in the way of my partying. And nothing happened with the neighbor chick. But there's others.

I'm starving. I haven't eaten since last night around eleven. I meant to get lunch on my way back from class, but I kind of forgot. Whoops. And...
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I slipped and fell down a flight of stairs on Tuesday. I wasn't drunk or anything. I had a margarita with dinner, but that had been at minimum 3 hours prior. I didn't break anything. Even more amazing is I didn't injure either ankle or knee. I am still in pain today, but it's subsiding daily. I should be fine come Saturday.

Right now I'm...
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hey there dood...so i owe you a big fat thank you for your comment on my set so many months ago...so THANKS MAN...xox dusty
Megacrappage! Class is overwhelming this quarter. I'm writing a 7-8 page paper on the syuzhet, style and fabula of Lucia, Lucia aka La Hija del Canibal for my film analysis class. It's due Friday morning, as is my writeup on the readings for my Asian American film class. I keep ditching my scifi movie class just so i can keep up with the work in...
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ok, i joined drunks. see ya in the john.