135..... 135!!!!!!!!
How could anyone in their right mind pay 135 for a pair of knickers?!?!?!
Though, having said that, if I were rich as could be I'd probably be spending that much money on knickers... I'm addicted to buying underwear! I have hundreds of pairs of knickers in all shapes, sizes, textures and colours!
Anyway... here are the knickers in question... and they are pretty damn nice... encrusted with red crystals no less
Oh, and if anyone has 135 to spare and wants to buy me a pair... the website is www.becheeky.com

How could anyone in their right mind pay 135 for a pair of knickers?!?!?!
Though, having said that, if I were rich as could be I'd probably be spending that much money on knickers... I'm addicted to buying underwear! I have hundreds of pairs of knickers in all shapes, sizes, textures and colours!
Anyway... here are the knickers in question... and they are pretty damn nice... encrusted with red crystals no less

Oh, and if anyone has 135 to spare and wants to buy me a pair... the website is www.becheeky.com

and i'm not even into buying undies.
hoisery is my vice purchase of choice
my other vice of course is SG...jeez oh pete so i'm ashamed a little cause yeah i was grey for all of 24 hours, possibly less (they didn't tell me what time i went grey and i was at my bf's parent's house so i couldn't very well check.)
hell yeah sg collages rule! i'm so glad to know i'm not the only one with one!
yeah i used to be like that and now i'm just so extroverted it's not funny cause i just don't care what i say or wear or whatever. i got this very dangerous attitude somewhere along the way that i should be myself and if people don't like me then it's good that i find that out ahead of time before i'm somehow convinced them i'm a good normal person.
that said i'm am extremely aware during and after the fact that i may be THAT PERSON that people despise and so i am self concious and get eaten up about what people think of me when i'm all alone. but somehow when i'm around people i just don't feel like caring.
i tend to be the sort of poser who says things that someone of my race/subculture/gender/etc shouldn't say. like if someone called me on it i'd have to be like "yeah i say whatever i find funny/cool/whatever i the f i wanna and i don't think i need to be engrained in a subculture to say it"
this could easily get me an asswhomping but yeah i can't stop. i like a few songs/movies/tv of just about every genre and yet i don't listen to/watch the others and certainly don't put myself into a subculture box.
god ok i don't think that makes sense. it makes sense to me though. i'm weird.
well toodles! love ya! big hugs! extra exclamation points!!!!!