I get to go to louisville this weekend for my birthday.
So I won't be so depressed for at least a couple of days.
Spend some time with some good friends.
just have to remember.
don't call him. it could ruin your time there.
yeah. I already have two part-time jobs. I need something full-time though. Or, I guess I will have to pick up a third pt job.

I've sent my resume out to every decent place I've found thats hiring full-time and apparantly I'm invisable or nobody knows how to use a phone cause no one has contacted me back.

Happy fucking birthday!! tongue
Since moving home to go to cosmetology school, I have been here a month before school starts.
I've been hanging out at the tattoo parlor everyday. Basically trying to be persistent enough that I might make some connections and learn something. I would love to have a second trade. Anyway the boys are nice but semi discouraging.
I'm going again today, with sketch book and...
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so you would like to be a tattoo artist? That would be pretty cool, you could have a beauty salon and a tattoo parlor all in one shop biggrin

where are you living now? I have a hard time making friends to.

Things are well. i don't really have internet so I'm not really on here very much any more.
I just started my job as the assistant manager at dakota watch co.
I'm bored already. I wish I was still a barista, but I need benefits.
Boy is doing well, I'm impressed. meeting the parents soon.
I hope it goes well.
that sounds like a pretty good job, i hope you like it there, my job sucks.

i'm glad the boy is doing well. i'm sure his parents will love you.
Grr boys can be so stupid.
But hes doing better. maybe I can do this.
yes boys can be stupid.

i'm glad he is getting better, i'm sure you can do it.
Work at the new job is going Great!
I think I will really like it, it would be almost impossible to fuck up.
Ultimate frisbee tonight.
When did I become such a jock?
Stephen is being sweeter to me. I still don't know how serious this can really get with out him having any real perspective for the future. I suppose going so slow is...
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What is the new job?

I hope you have fun with ultimate Frisbee.

What things are you ready for that he is not ready for? don't say those kinds of things, this may be the best thing to ever happen to you, he may treat you like the queen you are. I mean come on you two look like you are in love in that photo.
i think those are really good photos of you, you are so beautiful.
So cute! And are you drinking anchor steam beer? love
I want hair extensions.
Karis and I are going to buy hair tomorrow and try to do it our selves.
Please don't let me ruin my hair.
Swing dancing is tonight.
Have fun swing dancing.

I hope you post photos of the new hair. smile
I have been having trouble sleeping like whoa.
i can't seem to keep my mind still.
Stop racing.
I need my meds!
But I really think someone in bed next to me would help the most....
I have not slept much for the last 2 days.

It has been so long since I had some one sleep next to me in bed that I don't know if I could sleep with some one else in my bed.
Gah, i went out last night.
Dancing, drinking.
Had a blast.
Danced with this boy who I had kinda crushed on.
Met up with him later.
I'm a total slut.
good times...
We have all done it.
I went to swing dancing last night at the pink door. I hadn't been in a while it was a blast.
Though I suddenly found myself drunk so I had to sit out a few dances that would have been good ones. (As I spend a LOT of time dancing with bad ones) Bum out, Note toself do not drink at swing dance night.
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I've never been some where that had swing dancing, I don't know how to swing dance but I like watch people do it.

How old are those guys? Are they that much young then you?

I wish I could find a new job.

I can't wait to see photos of the new tattoo and hair.