I asked her to marry me. She said to ask her again in three years. (But she also said she wanted to say, Yes.)


That moment when you've spent the last two days planning a fantasy wedding and she says, "I could see doing this for real."


Love is taking her call and talking to her so she doesnt fall asleep on the drive home, and never letting her know you were sitting on the toilet the whole time.


My favorite part of cooking, aside from cooking for my friends, is when I make something for the first time and say, "Wow! This is really fucking good!"

Tonight, that was the Baked Macaroni & Cheese from How to Cook Everything Vegetarian. I had two servings and I am STUFFED.


So the person I thought I had found wasn't. And though it was a lot of fun, it was all based on a misunderstanding built of ambiguity and wishful thinking. And things got first awkward, then weird, then bad as a result of that misunderstanding. But the silver lining is that I've learned what I want from a relationship.

Over the course of my life...
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After the days of doing little but sleep, I now have insomnia.

I am (all too)mfamiliar with this cycle, sickness or no. My condolences, Sir. May real, recuperative rest find you.
Thank you, @gideonstargrave. I am hopeful for six hours' worth, tonight.

The girl I have been mooning after for the last 3 months finally told me that she does not love or want me like that, but she does sincerely want to be friends. She said she didn't want to hurt me, but honestly it was a load off my chest. However, I put in a lot of energy over the lat 3 months that could...
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That she was available all the time to communicate just a few weeks ago; that we used to connect via voice, text, email, and facebook all in the same day gives the lie to her never having the time, now.