I love it when I wake up in the morning with the alarm blaring, and I look at the clock and discover that I've got about twenty minutes to get out of bed, piss, get dressed, get my breakfast and lunch together, feed the cat, get in the car, drive to the next town, and punch in.


I just love that.
eh. some stuff does. i don't know though.

i had something up there, but had to take it down. i think i was really mad when i wrote nothing. i'll have to update it sometime!!!
oh. those are just some of my friends!!! smile
Ha ha.

You know what? I just read on the IMDb about Steven Soderberg's Bubble, and about how the movie industry is reconsidering shortening the window between theater and DVD releases because the film bombed.

What none of them seen to realize is that the reason the movie bombed is because it SUCKED ASS. Release windows had dick to do with it.
I'm not buying any more sodas. Ever. I'm sick of them. They give me something vaguely resembling heartburn, they leave an aftertaste it takes all day to shake off, and I know it's not helping with my weight problem. Of course, I have been drinking them in unhealthy amounts. But I think the exposure therapy has pretty much killed my taste for them.

So from...
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I'm downloading a 4GB mpeg file from the Internet Archive.

1 day, 7 hours, 3 minutes remaining. And I've been downloading this thing since 11:00 this morning.

Is this what I pay a monthly broadband fee to get?

I'm pissed at the whole great universe right now. I'm thirty-four years old and I still feel like a fucking teenager. And not in the good way.

How do I stop feeling like an outsider? Someone explain it to me. How do I finally start feeling like I belong in the presence of my fellow man, and woman? I have very few friends. 99% of...
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