Ok, need to be more active in this to get any replies I guess. So, I'm going to send messages to several of these beautiful young ladies and see if it works. Or, maybe it's just me and my age. Maybe they think I'm just a dirty old man. Which ever the case may be, just for the record..... "I'm not a dirty old man"!...
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Heyyy, to all you beautiful SG girls, staff and fans! I hope everyone is having a great night/day (depending on your location). I was wondering if anyone knows of a site, blog or page to reach Radeo. She is my favorite SG girl, and would give almost anything to be able to chat, text or email her. (even if it's a one time thing)
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Wow, just discovered over the weekend that I can't have any contact with my favorite SG girl because she is private. Sooo disappointed! What is the reason for them being a SG still or having photos, blogs or videos if you can't tell them how you feel or hear their comments back to you?
If someone can explain this to me I would be very...
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Thank you Tristyn for being the first to reply to me, and welcome me to the SG site. I am very grateful to have met you. I hope you have a wonderful evening and a great day tomorrow.
Sincerely Chris
Hey welcome to SB man! Have fun!!
Hey man! No problem at all! You'll have a blast, I'm fairly new here and have already made acquaintance with some really great personalities!
Please forgive me if I don't do this right, I am a newbie at this. Lol
I would first of all like to thank "SG" for sharing all these lovely young ladies with the rest of us. I wish all involved the best for their future.
I feel privileged to be a member and thank you again. I am amazed at the outpouring of young...
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