Another day down. I decided to start rebuilding my DVD collection now that I finally have the ability. I have the enitre Friday and Nightmare collections on order but now I am at a crossroads. Should I order the Quentin or Smith collections? Jay and Silent Bob or Vincent and Jules? The eternal struggle....
thank you for my set comment hunni!

glad you liked it xoxox
Ok, so as of today I have 45 days left in Iraq. I have been going through a list of stuff I plan to do as soon as I get home and I figured I would share it. Here we go:

1. Finish the work on my back and stomach
2. Drink a coffee from Dunkin Donuts
3. Sleep in for a month
4. Watch...
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thank you for your sweet comment..kisses from berlin!!!!smile
Thanks for the request <3 kiss
Happy 4th of July. Ok, so it's not that happy of one if you can't be out actually celebrating it, however the effort was there. Command has decided to hold these stupid reindeer games tonight, which means a bunch of meatheads and assholes running around screaming as though they were important, officers will have their heada STILL planted firmly up their own asses and of...
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Hi there, thanks for adding me! smile
thank you kiss
So, as of today I have 64 days left here in Iraq and I can't wait to get home to New York. It's kinda weird to have this time finally done with and almost be home. Making all of the plans I have made over the last year and now being able to do them is a fantastic feeling that I hope I can live...
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hi hi
thanks fir the add biggrin
Hey there. Happy birthday!!! kiss kiss kiss

Glad to hear you are coming home. I am excited for you! I love me some soldiers... love