Hey guys,

So I just released a blog post and it felt great to put my thoughts on something. I love telling people about myself, but I've never really known what to talk about. Being rather socially awkward as a child means it's hard to tell what I should and shouldn't talk about, so here are my ideas.

1) I think I'll try and follow...
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So I've been seeing a great deal of Suicide Girls do their homework on what superpower that would have, and that's a brilliant question really. If you could bend the fabric of reality, the laws of physics, and perform a feat so incredible that you could use such powers for right or wrong and make that big a difference, what would it be?

Interesting addition:...
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Id just be super intelligient as a power because with a brain you can invent
I dunno if I could due intelligence. Ive got a few friends who are crazy smart and they've mentioned its actually really hard to not be an ass to people because they just don't think as fast as you so they all appear to be blithering morons. 

Ever have so much coffee you just start vibrating? Pretty much me right now. Innuendo-Ho!!! Hahaha... I need to switch to decaf

LOL YES! woopsy!

I lied! I'm posting it Sunday after all, cause it's late and I'm in a mood and sure why not?

First up is a nice rock anthem I like to start just about any classic night. I'm not a huge fan of Guns n'Roses, but this song has always been a favourite since I was young

It's right up there with Paradise City and that...
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Nice 😍
thank you @maniasuccubus. I try to have a few songs that aren't too different

And why was I not informed?

So I'm gonna be doing my usual Music Monday and I was just listening to Carry on my wayward son when Youtube showed me this...


From pesky


Dunno why it didn't tag you in my new thread comment. I hit your name the first time *sigh* but good luck if you decide to try the other options. Let me know if either work. 

I will definitely let you know.  It's been happening a lot too

Got a nice buzz going and I just wanted to get into a nice feel good Friday. Few toons stuck in my head, and I think this is the perfect song for the moment.

Who hasn't listened to this song that's about losing yourself in a memory triggered by a song and actually fade into a memory of when you listened to this? Boston wrote...
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My last little contribution to throw back thursday, Im finding myself thinking about Indie a great today. Indie was a woman I was in a long distance relationship with for many years, and who I thought was my soul mate for the longest time It was a less than perfect relationship. I was at school mpst of the time and she was a free spirit...
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So this is a poem I dug up the other day that I wrote in 10th grade haha. good ol' 2006. It was written after the Dawson shooting in Montreal, and goths were getting a lot of difficulty for theit EDGY and MURDEROUS way of dressing. I submitted this to show the other side.

I'm more proud of the message than the wordson this one....
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