Sooo sick of school. One exam left, Economics, and I get to go home. I handed in my art project on Tuesday--I thought it came out very well, but my teacher panned it and gave me a C+ in the class. ::sigh:: This semester is going to devestate my already abysmal GPA. And it's not like that's the most important thing in the world, but...I...
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that would totally suck if you cancelled your subscription. then i would have no friends. but i totally understand money being tight. at the moment i have -.18 cents in my bank account. i'm lucky that i was able to go back to my old job though. that sucks to hear about your project. but i totally agree with you, hooray for the humanities department. smile. and as far as becoming a suicide girl goes, i say there's no harm in continuing to try. i wish you luck with that.
Happy Christmas
Two classes down, two to go. All I have left: two self-scheduled exams that I can take any time this week. My mother wants to pick me up on Thursday evening. That means I have to take my Economics exam by mid-day Thursday.

Whose bright idea was it to take Economics, anyway? (Oh yeah....it was mine....)

In the future: all humanities courses. No more of...
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yeah, to hell with those classes.

that looks like my old pet rat Sniffles.
there was one strip of streets in north hamptom i miss so much... i was going to westover, in chicopee.. we used to head out that way on weekends...me and this one guy spent 6 hours in a store called the space crime continuum
I'm feeling better this week...less of a hacking cough, not such a runny nose. This is the longest I've been sick in quite a while, though. I first got sick an entire week ago.

I went to Walmart. They didn't have *exactly* what I needed, but when you're relying on Walmart for art supplies, you have to take what you can get. At least it...
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i hope you continue to feel better. remember to drink lots of orange juice. and good luck on the theater box. it sounds really cool. just thought i'd let you know.
Thank you for the compliment on my set!! smile I hope your project turned out ok!
I hung out with my friend and her new boyfriend last night. I didn't think too highly of him before, but now I have a bit more respect for him. And, he doesn't have any classes on Fridays next semester, either, so maybe if we become friends, we can hang out on Thursday nights and do...um...nifty stuff. Or something.

I've finally come down with the...
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if it makes you feel any better i'm in the process of getting sick now myself, and now is definitely not the time considering the amount of work i have to do. guess i shouldn't have gone out and run around in the snow we had last night. oh well. hope you're feeling better!
Yeah, I feel your pain for work needing to be done... I have to draw another picture up, and shade two others in before Tuesday at noon... Oy, this sucks... Not to mention I have to code and present a program for Monday night... I hate this time of December, but oh boy do I LOVE the weeks to follow! =D Christmas AND New Years!! Mua ha ha haha! But anyway, I'll go back to being half-sane now... *grin*
In case there is any confusion, my new profile picture isn't me. It's Nimh, one of my two rats. Remus isn't shown in the picture, but he's identical, only beige instead of black. Rats make good pets. I had them at school with me last year, but I left them at home this year, fearing for their safety--the residential life staff does room raids unannounced....
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Rats are sooo sweet!
awww CUTE!!
So, Thanksgiving. An 8 hour drive to Pennsylvania, too much of my bizarre and bitchy paternal grandmother, a brief respite on Thanksgiving itself with more of my relatives (my mother's side), more of my grandmother, and an 8 hour drive back.

God, I'm glad to be back at school. I never thought I'd say that when I was younger.
meh.. as much as you'd rather not deal with gramma you'll miss her when she's gone... well maybe not..

shit i miss school now.. i'd much rather be behind a desk for eight hours a day instead of working
yes! being on your list of friends puts a big smile on my face. things with the girl are going really well and i have hope (but not so much as to make things bad) for the future. we'll see. and if your grandmother is anything like my crazy grandmother, i don't know how you did it. my grandmother has a tendency to hit you repeatedly on the arm for the duration of her stories just to make sure you're paying attention to her. that and she seems to be convinced that frank sinatra hit on her and bought her a coke when she was 13...oh yeah, and everyone's out to get her...and i mean EVERYONE. sometimes she even reminds me of the grandfather from squee. anyway, i know what you mean about being back up at school. if you had asked me 15 years ago, hell, even 2 years ago if i would be excited to go back to school after a break, i would have laughed til i cried.
In case you wondered: It is very nearly impossible to put together a literary magazine with no submissions. Each additional submission increases the quality of the magazine exponentially. Eventually, the additional submission to benefit ratio decreases, but I'm not anywhere near that yet. I'd kill for a hundred pieces of poetry and fiction.

I've started talking to an ex from four years ago again. We've...
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i've decided that you are going to go on my friends list. i'm glad to know that i'm not the only one that gets worked up over rodents. it doesn't matter what they are, just that i love them. i hope that your brothers have not mistreated your rats at all. oh, and if you care to, i would love to give you feedback on your poetry on the condition that you give me feedback on my work. i'll im you sometime.
hi smile
here is a link to some of my poems. it's my sister's site. she's a killer poet and she may also be interested in contributing. you can check out her poems by going to the home page then "feel" on the little buttons.

she hasn't put up my most recent poems yet, but if you enjoy these i could send more. are you doing a paper zine or online zine?

thanks for the compliments on the hair & whatnot smile i like your color too
I sent a new picture in today....I think. It didn't say that it had definitely sent, wo I'm a bit unsure about that. I never heard about the first one I sent...I wonder if either one actually got there. Hmmm...

I'm starting a literary magazine at my school...the deadline for submissions is Friday. So far, we have...one. One submission. I suppose it'll be a short...
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what did you end up saying to your mother? you told her about the dream? That's wild!

and 'fashionista'...I don't know if I'd ever use that unless I was speaking with a mock lisp. Ha! Maybe he's got "issues."
all i have to say is good luck with both becoming a suicide girl and with the literary magazine. i'd submit, because i love that kind of thing (yay attention), but i don't believe we go to the same school.
How depressing. My new guy...just isn't working out at all. Last night, he totally failed to have sex with me. Again.

I'm starting to wonder what my problem is. Am I unattractive, or unapproachable, or...?

New Girl Friday makes me jealous. I think I will send a new picture, because it has been...well over a month, quite possibly two months since I sent in my picture, and I imagine I'll never hear back. I finally got copies of the pictures from the set that was taken a month ago.

In other news...I have an Economics exam on Monday. I am...
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