Writing my M.A. thesis. After three months of research, today I started to write. Got 9.5 pages down so far, and it is good. The thing has to be a minimum of 60 pages, but will probably be over 100. If I keep up this pace, I'll be done in two weeks.

Naked girl break.

Listening to Ornette Coleman this morning. Gotta start writing soon. Tomorrow I enter a week of intense work, which is good because I need the money, but I am not looking forward to it. Gotta make the most of today, then.

"All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well." Julian of Norwich said that. I concur.

What will you be working on?
hey potato man! biggrin

Go back and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind see again, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, the Good News is proclaimed to the poor and happy is the man who does not lose faith in me.
How are you?
Gonna be the best year ever. Ever.

Adelante. It's like walking on water. Can't look down or I'll fall. Can't slow down or I'll stop. Can't look back 'cause the bridges are burning. (But wait, I forgot, I don't need bridges because I'm walking on water. Damn you, mixed metaphors!)

This is the year. Everything I have done has brought me here. I am stronger...
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haha that's pretty interesting!
thanks and i hope you have a great 2010 smile
Looks like they are going to pass some kinda health care bill in the next couple days. I was at a fundraiser for Barbara Boxer, the Senator for CA, the other day (not as a donor) and her big theme seemed to be, "Why can't these Republican jerks just let us get this thing through so we can go home for Christmas?" No joke. They...
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Thanks for the blog comment, but I already am a manager st spencers and i dont make enough. Its just hard to decide what will be worthwhile ventures anymore ya know?
Obama picked up his Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo today. Both Obama and the Prize are discredited, with our escalation in Afghanistan. The Nobel people shouldn't have offered the prize, and Obama should not have accepted it.

What a sad announcement, that Obama is going to send more troops to Afghanistan, possibly as many as 35,000 more. We don't even have a clear aim here. He has not pitched this war to the American public in even a remotely satisfactory way. What are our aims there? How could we 'win'? What would 'winning' even look like? And our Man in Afghanistan is...
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I'm a simple man. This just made my day.

smile smile smile
hey nene gracias por tu coment!!!
si hay cosas mas importantes pero aun estoy pensando, me gusta estar aqui y he conocido personitas maraillosas... whatever. si y por estos dias he tenido dias felices. biggrin
y no t preocupes que subire mas fotos!!!
The picture you left on my blog is awesome. We did not get to The Lincoln Memorial at night, but it was pretty awesome during the day. I hope that you will continue to blog here now and then if the mood strikes you. I will always be around to have a look and contribute my two cents. smile
Greetings all! It has been awhile, and I know you've all been on the edge of your seats waiting for my new blog update. Well, I've been on vacation, and I've had a fine time. Went all over, and now I'm back, with pictures.

One place I went may be of interest to some people here, seeing as a big part of SG is pictures...
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Lol. I am glad it is you and not me who went there. Glad you had fun.