Madness is setting in. At least that is the best description. Psychiatrics may apply at will. As I step away from that person that walks through my day, who will I become? Will I run into me or become that person again someday. Communication with bacteria seems to be important. Wisedom is lacking in a world of users. Animalisticism, alpha-male, naw, just tired of playing...
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Madness is underrated.
Nothing to lose. Total freedom!!! When the road is clear the drive is fly by time of the night. Rain against the windshield is like a shower on the soul. Sluffing off the insignifcant is practical, and everything is fucking practical. Unpractical is unacceptable to the standerby. Why does change start so insignifigantly? Do all follow the least common denominator? I know there is more....
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The next purchase I make may make me feel one again with the cosmic brine shrimp in the sky. Satisfaction guaranteed? I think not. How much advertisement can make you believe that if you own the next big thing, you will reach true enlightenment. Everything I want has a price, but sometimes the price is too much. How much do you let go of your...
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Feeling lost in a sea of vipers. I was reminded that those who hate you truly wish they were you this last week. Look at those that no one hates and it rings true. Shedding little green demons and cooking eggs (not green) Do I say potato or potato? I may be losing my mind or drinking to much wine, but fuck it. I do...
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I will not eat a doughnut this summer unless it's from Voodoo doughnuts or maybe top hot. Damn that sounds good. mad
Shitty day, but it ended nice. Happy birthday to me I guess.
You are welcome.
Baptism by fire. Gotta remember that a sword does not become stronger sitting in it's sheath, but under hot coals and pounded with a hammer. There is an end result in mind. "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger."? Fuck that, what doesn't kill me annoys the hell out of me. Ran into a rep the other day I haven't seen in a while. His...
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Happy Birthday.
Remembering a great man,

My Grandfather passed away at 4 pm on the 21st of this month. He lived a long life that was very difficult, but showed great love to those that were close to him. He was an orphan, who served military duty, married a wonderful woman, and raised 3 girls and 1 boy, who gave birth to six grandchildren, that loved him...
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Lots of compliments this week. One might get a big head. One Betti praised the sexplay, but won't let that go to the head. One thing I can take pride in is my chef-ness. Sometimes there is always something you are good at. I guess all great composers had their trait, but I didn't expect that there. It ain't much, but I've been trying to...
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Is this the same betti you told me about?
Peacefully rinsing the recesses of the mind tonight, and trying to trigger the reset button.
Surrounded by all the blanket girls of the world, I walk to the beat of the current drummer. Life-a-licious fo sho, or is it show? Got an itch that just won't scratch itself, and I can't reach it. Pleasantly tap-tap-taping the drum, but the beat don't roll. All previous statements and offers not applicable in this state, your state, and especially my state of mind....
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I'm feeling a great lack of the sense of humanity tonight. I guess there is nothing better to do. This day was confusing and seemed oddly that I was not connected to it in some way. I guess I sort of got into puppet mode. Can't make that a habbit. Probably that migraine that wouldn't go away.

Gotta say it again. Label me if you...
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