I have come to the conclusion that I am a dangerous person. Im looking to fall in love. Im ready to fall in love. But I have no idea what it feels like. There is nothing more dangerous than someone who can fall in love at the drop of a hat.

Sure there are people that I care about out there, family, friends and stuff....
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be careful love can be hurty frown
I dont really know if thats what it is yet. Maybe just some kind of affection. I 'know', but I don't yet 'understand'.

I had a great time last night. Lots of fun at Emergence. I got extra sleep, have been playing around with pics from last night, and Im just in general in a good mood.

I had worked up a surprise for Steph last night, but she didnt show. frown I think Im looking forward to seeing her a little more that I should be. A...
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I am becoming annoyed with this site for its high quality and graphic intensive nature. The very things that I so love about this site are keeping me from viewing it. Bah. I hate the 56k. When I first got my subscription I was using a T1. Holy zippy connection. Now I languish with either high load times or crappy picture quality.

Perhaps I will...
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don't cancel and leave us all!
"All"? Both of you?
The more I find out about Steph, the more I like her. Its an interesting situation. Shes in a tough spot with her boyfriend right now, and needs a friend. And Im happily supplying that. And if it never goes anywhere beyond that, I would be fine. But she may break up with him, and there is an attraction between us. And I would be...
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Interesting. Out of the blue Ive been invited to attend some shin-dig in MA. Some kind of gothy get together. I wonder if I actually know anyone there, or if I have been invited out of the blue by the ether of the Internet itself

Anyone want to go with me?
hmmmm gothy...
have fun....

I changed my schedual! I can have a social life! I get to stay out all night long on Tuesday! Yay! I can actually be at the thing that I post on the calendar! Whee.

Its so very tempting to give advice on the internet. I really should stop doing it. Nothing bad really happened, but its just that you can never really understand what...
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Have I mentioned lately that I think the fashion industry is full of shit and not to be trusted. The image that the majority trys to sell you as "cool" is idiotic.

This has been a public service announcement. Thank you.

[Edited on Jan 04, 2004 3:43PM]
Borders wants me to spend all my money there! The Bastards! But they are the bastards that write my paycheck.

Anyway, hugh DVD sale thing going on all month. And the christmas season left us with a 40 to 50% sell through on DVD's as it was. (In case your wondering, no I should not be telling you this.) Do you know what a hugh...
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hmm mlately i've been on a sound kick
listening to music and movies, in different parts
hearing and looking for different parts

surround sounds is beautiful to me.

well, yeah.......i am going to shut up now
Tonight was a strange night. Very Strange indeed. Sort of met some new people. Hung around with some old friends. Had a good time watching all the chaos around me. I enjoy being the stable center of an otherwise chaotic world. Its suites me, Im tall and stalwart.

The people that I really would have like to have spent the night with were not there,...
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The gaming has been going well these last few days. Ive had every other day off for the last week, and its getting weird. But Ive had lots of time to game.

We had a little party for friends that just got a new apartment, and to celebrate we played many hours of Halo, and Kill Switch. It was nice to break up the computer...
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Im so blah right now. Mostly because the computer upgrade plans went fine, and I have been playing Deus Ex 2 for hours now. I left my room for food at 6 for about 10 minutes, but other than that I spent from 12:00 to 8:00 in there playing.

I feel like a zombie. Coherent thoughts are not forming well in my head, and writing...
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My eyes are heavy. Im sleepy. Its too early for me to be sleepy.

I had a good holiday. Then worked today. Then went to relatives house. And I dont feel like writing right now. So Im not sure why I am. Im curling my toes weird, it something that was passed on to me by my mother.

I have tons of stuff to do...
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Its a very retail Christmas.

It just doesnt seem like the holiday for me. I went and sat and looking in at the tree. But you know, I just dont feel it. At the same time it doesnt feel like just some random Wednesday either. Maybe its just that it got here so fast. I didnt anticipate it.

Grace Li should be here at 9:30...
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