I am sitting here on a Sunday afternoon, and am wondering what is going on in the world. I have spent the day doing laundry, and cleaning, and that will probably be all that I accomplish today. But, that is fine, as it all needed to be done anyway. It is raining, which makes me sleepy and full of thought. I want to be already...
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I Will Love You Ever More

I know what it is like to love a woman for an entire lifetime, and know that no matter how deeply, hopelessly, infinitely In Love with her I am...We will never be together. I know what it is to see her life, and my life, side by side, and to know that as they are now, they would never...
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Love of SELF

Here is the thing….I am so sick of my own shit, that I am bored with it to the point of wanting to do away with myself, just for some excitement. Work is really getting to me. I can hardly stand to be there anymore. It is just so fucking the same..the same people with their small little lives. I am just...
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The Thing Is....Continued

The thing is that I am moving forward on a great many things, and yet, I feel the crush of it all. It all comes down to money. If I had the money to pay off my student loans, then I could apply and go to school at Phoenix On-line. If I had the money I could pay off the folks that...
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Make It Fucking Happen

This is the beginning of this blog post. I have gotten so much shit done today, and it feels fucking great. I just need to continue to clean up my life, and all will be well. I loveit, yep meant to keep those words glued together. I fucking love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am on the path to putting myself back in school....
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Feels good getting stuff done, huh?
My-my, she's such a hottie, isn't she? kiss
The adventures of a foundling Architect

Well it is Wednesday, and I was suppose to meet with the lady from Cardinal Stritch, but, I decided to forgo it because I am not sure that it would be worth the trouble. I want to get back into school, but, I think Phoenix On-line will be a better choice. So, toward that end, I am looking forward...
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Harry Potter and the collective mind

I am at the moment, part of the collective conscientiousness that is reading Harry Potter. I am only about 200 pages in, and am savoring every single morsel. I am sure that many among my co-workers have completed reading it, and I will have to contend with trying to keep from overhearing anything that I have not yet read....
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Haha, I have very funny Harry Potter related pics (of me) I know you'll love.
I despise Psycho blind people

Why are you so blind?
I think I have written on this subject before, but, I hate human beings who's lives are so very fucking small that they feel compelled to create drama and intention where none exists. I keep coming up against it, and it makes me angry. There are far too many words ...so, I will need to...
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Thank-you for commenting on my set.
I wish, I want, I need...

I wish, I want, I need. I need that most intimate of human connections. I need love, with all of it's confusion, with all of the irrational questions, all of the uncertainty, the language spoken by eyes, lips, hands, breath, and heat. I need it sans more'. The love that transcends age, rank, wealth, possession, position, knowledge, or sin....
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This Was My Day...HEAT!!!

Very little sleep. HEAT~~!!! Grocery store. Home, food, shower, riding, Willy St Co-op, Jade Mountain, ...surprise...Diane ...Yay!!! Pearls.., More HEAT!!!! Ground Zero....Intrigue,cute smile, bicycle thighs under frills, reading I Hate Hamlet, music, To DO......More HEAT!!!!.....Riding through a wasteland to East Towne.....Store, 7 shots of espresso...Lovely Kate, advice on plays....bought Romeo and Juliet..somewhat disappointed...Retrieved phone....Music, Bye...The most precious and playful kittens in...
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calico !!!