alrighty so just got back from the hospital. it kinda sucked they actually saw me in pretty quickly but when i was waiting for my knee immobilizer and my crutches it took forever. i guess i should explain why i went there in the first place. well i've been having some preblems with my knee lately i have gone to the doctor before but he...
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Thank you so much for your support on my set in MR!! wink

Sorry I didn't thank you sooner. I really appreciate the comment on my "Chateau Laroche" set. Happy Holidays
so to my knowledge there was no school today, if not i've already missed 3 out of my 4 classes and its only 11:30 in the morning. when i woke up today i banged my knee pretty good on my night stand and now i walk with a limp and it doesn't help that the knee that i hit was already fucked up. i haven't...
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I think I'm up to date with the tetanus shot.... smile
so tonight was my friend's 21st birthday, he was being a total bitch he hardly drank anything, my other friend, brandon, drank a lot more with no effect on him. there was some badass marines that bought kyle some drinks although they did give him a fucked up shot of god knows what. but by the end of the night (it was 10:00) he wanted...
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alright so i just chugged a bunch of apple flavored sake, it was tasty, so i'm feelin pretty good. so i'm still kinda pissed about last night, yes i know i'm acting like a little kid but i don't care right now, but i guess its also because i learned that the other girl that i like is moving (she already lives pretty far away...
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oh shoot... thanks for noticing - smile

thanks for the comment
so back on my birthday me and my buddies went to islands and i invited my friend nicole, who i had a crush on since 9th grade and then eventually that went away but shit happens and now i like her again. when she got back to me she asked if she could bring a friend with her i said it was cool because i...
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i've been taking some tai chi lessons and my legs look and feel as thick as tree stumps....
alright i haven't blogged in a while because i've been busy with school and i've just been lazy too (psh like anybody reads this), anyways this blog is gonna be filled with random ass shit and with whiny bitchiness so uhhh yeah

alright so tues./wed. i pulled an all nighter studying for two tests and i got a 94/100 in my first test and in...
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alright before i go to bed i leave you with these......


now the grown up version

raichu is about to do it to it, you are right, haha.
he's eeeelectric ;]
i have heard of sylvia. i have simular work unfortunatly...so odd. but hers is deff better in some ways. i been drawing this stuff my whole life. i am practically obsessed. infact...wait till u see my halloween costume.

thanks for the comment on my setwink XO
i'm sitting here waiting for House to start......i stopped reading my economics stuff partly because i'm very tired (i have no reason to be tired i slept for like 10 hours) and i wasn't paying too much attention i read a chapter and i can barely remember on what it was about. something about marginal something something returns and something about marginal scope or something...
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