Woke up this morning really excited... until I realized it was only friday and not saturday like I had thought.. Still got another day to go before my next appt biggrin tomorrow should be a good 4-5 hour session on my left arm, should get a good way through this sleeve. hoping that i'll have the entire sleeve done before summer officially starts. Hope everyone else...
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So tonight I'll be taking some new pictures. Put up a couple today but since they're from my ipod they're not exactly of the best quality tongue Time to use a real camera and its definitely time to get some of my guitars in the pictures with me (and not just the ones on my chest). If you have anything specific you'd like to see let...
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Hey! So i'm looking to make some new friends on here, don't be shy. I'd love to get to know more of you and have some great conversations smile
Hello jello. I just wanted to say thank you.
You're amazing.
Getting really tired of this back and forth shit. I know it seems like all I do is piss and moan on here but I have to do it somewhere. I'm always the guy that people turn to for help, advice or just some encouraging words. Everybody commends me for my strength through hard times and my perseverance but in all honestly I'm worn so...
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Been getting a lot of new ink here lately. Started on my full sleeve on my left arm (Dante's Inferno) and I just had my right shoulder capped Wednesday night so I finally have a half sleeve on my right arm. Looking forward to more and more trips to the tattoo parlor. If anybody is in the Asheville area check out Greg Warren, I officially...
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GAHHHH I want new ink soo bad. your ink looks wicked sweet, man
Thank you very much smile Its like every time I finish a visit I'm immediately ready for more, haha. Hope you're doing well smile
It officially happened. My worst fear came true... I don't know what to do, where to go and I seem to be beyond all reasoning. I'd like to tell you what's happening but it's a bit too personal for me to feel comfortable telling the internet. On a scale of 1 - 10 though its rocking solidly at a 15. Hopefully getting started on my...
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*hugs* Sorry to hear you're going through something heavy. Hope everything works out...
Thank you... Never thought i'd have to play "who's the daddy"... this is literally killing me inside and theres not a damn thing i can do about it. Thanks again for the love.

Well today was the day... Dennis (a man i've known since i was little and the closest thing to an uncle I had in NC) passed away this morning. He lost his battle with cancer but managed to stick it out almost 6 full months longer than they expected. He was even able to see his latest grandchild come into the world so I'm very...
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My favourite kind of music!!
Follow up with the PsychDoc tomorrow... too much shit on my mind lately and its constantly weighing me down. Wishing there was something more I could do to help the situation i'm in but it seems time will be the only remedy. Some positive vibes and some love would go a long way right about now. Hope everyone's doing well.

much love

I don't know your situation at all and I can't give you a hug but what I will and can do is send you good thoughts.
It is always darkest before dawn and it happens every morning. wink
Thank you very much, it really means a lot to me. My grandmother had a stroke, my uncles going into surgery and a man i've known all my life (basically another uncle to me) will more than likely pass away today from cancer.. Theres always been something around every corner, it just seems the corners are getting closer and closer together. Thanks again for the positive thoughts and warm wishes. Sometimes to go up we must push off the bottom.

Peace and Love
