Well ive made the crossing, and once again my mug has survived the airport mishandlers (and my bags followed me too). I am still adjusting to the 6 hour time change, but my weird flight route sort of shocked me into it. I flew from Ottawa to Boston, then on to Reykjavik, and finally to Amsterdam, where I then took the train for 3 hours...
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so in terms of departures I always HAVE to have two things with me. one being a black towel. not just any towel I suppose, just one ive had for a while, and I think Ive been infected by the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy in knowing that if I have a towel everything will be ok. item two is a massive coffee mug which...
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Well a plane is booked. 16 days until I cross the Atlantic to begin another scholastic endeavor. Itll be odd getting back into a school mode as it has been 4 and a half years since ive been in a classroom. Well a formal classroom I guess. I traveled around saving turtles, hung out in Europe for a while and also seen a great deal...
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YESSSSS. i do spend time wondering if we could somehow live underwater. the ocean is a wonderful and terrifying place though. constant fear of being killed by a venomous rockfish or an electric eel or....some beautiful and seemingly harmless coral....who knows! hahaha but i guess that would be a far better way to go than to be hit by a car or shot or anything of that ish.

mm...now i'm just thinking about living in the sea.

overseas adventure sounds exciting! i'm jealous. whereabouts are you going?
Transcontinental romance is one hell of a struggle. It is often a question of the distance making the heart grow fonder, or making one ask the importance of continuing on. Im in the middle of this tumult presently and its not so cool.
So forever it has been since I have put some words here. Ive been moving to and fro crossing over the Atlantic a few times, and will be doing so again at the end of the summer. Just finished reading Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon and despite it taking a looooong time as it is so disjointed it was an amazing read. that is all...
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crossing the atlantic. just a few weeks to go. chase whats important right now.
you know the sound, or perhaps you dont. it crashes, envelopes, and deafens. inspires a sense of awe and curiosity all at once. that is a sound I crave right now. In the words of Lars Frederiksen "Im married to the sea..."
smile very nice short little entry you have here. the sea is home
Thank you for the comment on my set - I'm really pleased you enjoyed it.
Its always strange to be back in the 'real' world. Ive gone on a few forays abroad in the name of turtle conservation, and sadly they are all for short periods of time. The downside to that is that it always necessitates a return, often into the unknown. Im in this limbo period right now and im not sure how I feel about it...always the...
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Where did you go?
So I went to the tropics to save some turtles, misinformed was I about the scope of my duties I continued on for 5 months. I met someone there who kept me sane and allowed me to stay that long. left shortly after she did, which may have contributed although I was just plain sick of the place. Now she is on the other side...
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Preparing for a long trip is often so very stressful. Or perhaps I just make it so. It is always quite hard to decide what to bring with you and what should stay behind, both in physical things and emotional things. I am now mostly packed and have got all the necessities for my travels and hope so dearly that my bags are below the...
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I wrote this a while back whilst working with a previous turtle project:

There it was, 3am sitting on a beach waiting for a turtle to lay her eggs, the waves crashing in the surf. I was at peace, there were no sounds but the ocean. I took this time to reflect on how fortunate I am to be doing what I am. Sitting in...
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You have to give the species so much credit for trying...I've been working with species at risk for the past 8 years now, and it breaks my heart, but keeps me hopeful all at the same time. They aren't giving up...we can't either.

YES! my books take up one entire suitcase.

well, thats a lie...

there's a fuzzy blanket in there too.

p.s. that is so amazing that you are going to the carribean to do work like that. i've always wanted the opportunity for that sort of thing. is this your profession?

p.s. i love that little blurb. it made me feel comfortable and at peace.

you're good people.
Today is my time to massacre my hair, well almost. It has been more than a year since I last cut it, and it is is now approximately 10inches long. Being that I leave for the tropics on Monday morning I figured it would be best to cut it all off. Now rather than waste such a big quantity of hair, i've opted to go...
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post pictures of your new hair smile

7 MONTHS?!?!?!

come on.

1.you have to elaborate
2. can i visit?!