I am currently on my new iPod touch. I am excited about getting this. I worked hard last week to get the money for this. smile

Love Britty
I've been thinking about getting the 32Meg Ipod myself. All most ordered it today. I would like to put skype on it so that I can talk with people. Does the IPod have a mic on it???
AWesome fun! Enjoy itsmile (Whos' drunk)
I need to stop not sleeping when I can and doing things for people. I'm destroying my body. I got up at 2:45am yesterday morning, went to hang out with a friend. Passed out for about an hour at 2pm. Then I get to her house around five and I crashed. She got so mad at me. Well, if we didn't just watch TV, maybe...
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Good luck today Britty! I'm currently involved in the war against sleeping as well. There is so much to do and who knows; today could be our last day on earth!
I don't know if things are getting better or if they're getting worse.

Also, Happy 1st of October. <3 [30 days till Halloween. <3<3]

Love Britty
Britty, things always get worse before they get better.
Wow. Fuck my last post. He has a girlfriend now. That's the only reason why he messaged me was to check on me. I am over him and such, but if you're not going to talk to me. Then don't talk to me!

Love Britty
The dating world is insane. I feel for you. So now you listen to torch songs and cry into your beer, and quicly find someone better than him wink

I am indeed feeling better, which is just as well. Working tonight.

sorry. hamlets right, youll find someone better
I haven't talked to him in almost a month, and out of the blue he texts me to see if I'm alright.
He's been haunting everything I do. All the memories of us together are over whelming me.
It made me smile that he texted me, but I don't want to get my hopes up.
I still haven't deleted the messages that are locked on...
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I miss my best friend. It's this overwhelming feeling that I can't handle at times. He's 340 miles away. It's not like I can jump into a car and drive to see him because I don't drive and I am lacking a car.

We would talk about everything, and he'd always be there for me when I needed him. And right now, I feel like...
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Thanks for adding me. smile

It's hard to lose someone your that close to. I don't know much about the distance thing, No one ever leaves Willow. (I think that might be a good thing)
Quality over quantity......good friends are hard to come by. We need to make sure we keep the ones we have.

Even Being 340 miles away isn't he still just a phone call away?
I don't know how I feel lately. I know I'm doing much better than previous weeks, but not by much. It's pretty much up and down due to all the family drama.

Yesterday, I got to spend the day with Mike. We didn't do all that much, but I still enjoyed my time with him. He has no idea how much I really need him...
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Where did everyone go?
My friends are all in NYC or other places for college. I'm the only one who stayed home for that.
Work. Sleep. Work. Sleep and repeat.

I wish I could get some actual time for myself or even have things go my way. I came home from work really excited to have some eggs and toast OR french toast. [Basically same thing....] But of course we go through so much food in a week. It used to take a month for us to go through...
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Wow. I'm just waking up. I slept for way over 12 hours. But I actually had the chance, so it's alright. I still have to clean the pile of clothes in my room, and shower before work. But work isn't until 10pm, so I should be good.

I'm still feeling like I'm missing something inside of me. I constantly feel lonely even when I'm with...
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Tonight was pretty interesting, even for the lack of things we did. We went Halloween shopping, and to a porn shop. I got my outfit for my photo shoot. After that, we went to a coffee shop, and then went to hang out at my friend's dorm.

My friend said she'd do my photo shoot, so that she be done within the next two weeks,...
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Hey Brittany you finally got one of these things awesome!!!
It didn't feel like I napped at all. First my cat woke me up, and then crying kids woke me up an hour later so I figured I'd get up. I'm going Halloween shopping with the little bit of money I have. I figured i'd get some sort of outfit to do my first photo shoot in too. I'm going to ask my best friend...
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