im in need of something.

not quite sure what it is though. lately i have been getting ALMOST enough sleep. no real problems waking up and getting through the day. but im not feeling fully energized from a creative point. kind of like im stuck in 3rd gear...i aint holdin up traffic, but i cant get moving enough to slide into the left lane. i...
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I completely agree with you on awakening to the life around yuo, I am in that period of my life tight now, isnt it wonderful?.......and I hope the job thing goes well, I am actually ok in my job for the moment. biggrin
Very insightful. I have those days too and you know what I do for a living. smile I think that would be great if you got the job with your friend. When one door closes, another one opens (since we are in philisophical mode). You have to have faith in life, otherwise you might as well just lay down and be road kill. I've worked in the industry you are currently in (adult)... I have a client in the industry anyway... but I'm on the other end.....marketing. Let me tell you after awhile you become very numb to things and nothing really surprises you anymore and sometimes you see an ugly side of the human race - but it's real. Thankfully I'm not with them full-time anymore (only part-time)and it has made a world of difference. I don't know how much you love what you do.... but that's just been my experience. smile BTW - you have a lovely wife. smile

i was on a borat/bruno/ali g/sacha cohen kick last night and had to share. enjoy.

ive reflected more annd more on the election process. i guess part of the reason why i said what i did the other day is that the whole thing has come to be a farce or a hollow representation of what it is supposed to be. i got so many...
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I remember when I was 18 and had the opportunity to either vote in the 1992 election. I chose not to vote because 1. I didn't know the differences between the candidates, 2. I was 18 and had puss on my mind instead of politics and 3. Because I didn't want to throw away my vote, or, be responsible for voting for the 'wrong' person.

My HS girlfriends dad really came down on me for not voting. I was like, "Look, you can tell your daughter who to vote for and expect her to follow suit....but I'm not weighing in on something I don't know much about." So many people blindly pull the trigger on something they're ignorant of. And, even if you read every newspaper and internet article, the chances of you having a clear picture of what's REALLY going on is slim.

I definitely hear you on this. I'm just glad that having a Democratic congress will (should be) a blow to George W (I love Jesus) Bush's reign of terror.

If i see that dumb girls gone wild commercial on Comedy Central after 10 one more time I'm going shoot my TV.
as you stumble out of bed and embark upon your day, recovering from the results of post-electoral celebration (assuming you didnt follow my lead yesterday) i think its only fair to remind you that today is wednesday. and around here kiddies, wednesday means the ol' "hump day update". thats the time when i talk about the sordid details of my life in the adult entertainment...
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I checked out your site and Rio (is it Rio..?) is HOT. (The one with the nip rings).

Also, there was a girl that had pierced labia that had it going on. Good shit.

It's always nice to work with professionals in anything you do.
you just got it all going on, good for you!!...you sound really happy today, and you know what, that makes me happy too! kiss
and so its erection day.


this is the first time in 16 years that i am not participating in the electoral process. and while there are many reasons for this, the biggest of all can be traced to a speech i first read/heard while in high school by Al-Haj Malik El-Shabazz (more popularly known as malcolm x). in this speech, titled the ballot...
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Wow, i'm impressed. Very well written and you make an excellent point. I voted, but only because the Dems might make it my district, what with Delay resigning and all.
Oh, and i forgot to mention in my message. The Boondocks is fucking awesome! I'd have a crush on Huey if he wasn't animated... and like 10... but yeah. Fucking awesome.
Very true.....I also agree with JayRatch's comment.
i'd like to thank my mom and dad...espescially my dad...for re-affirming that they think my life is shit and that i am a major disappointment to them. i am grateful for them perpetuating an ongoing sense of inadequacy which has been in place for almost 35 years now. perhaps if i lived in a swanky neighborhood like them in the most expensive house on the...
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My parents have a distorted image of me as well. They just don't get me. Not that I do anything out of the ordinary....they just don't know me. Bums me out sometimes too.

You just have to be you and do what makes you happy.

Oh yeah, 2 other things: You mentioned a hip hop thing you're working on. I'm definitely interested in what you're putting together. Also, what is your Yahoo group again? I need to chiggety check that out. [/das-efx]

(my hip bones connected to my......hardy har har har)
Please, come see my film. If it not sucess, I will be execute. wink
"rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated..."

i had to take a self-imposed leave of absence to sort some shit out. nothing major. just unavoidable side effects of being human. but life is good now. this is mainly due to the fact that i am friends with one of the baddest bitches to ever have a pulse. regularly scheduled programming will resume in 36...
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I love it, I wish I knew how to do that kind of creative stuff on the computer, very very nice!~! biggrin kiss
netflix friggin rawks!

we've been members for a couple of years now and its so awesome to have movies and shows every single night. lately, we have been catching up on some series that we havent seen before and as a result, my two new favorite series are the 4400 and weeds. we also got to check out samauri jack and just last night...
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Avalon is right, it does take a bit for people to "take" to you...but i always look forward to your blogs...i have always felt like a bit of an outsider most of my life as well, and in "real-life" I only have a few close friends...but thts fine with me, its not about having a shit load of friends...and i sound hipocritical in that because apparently i have a shitload here, but only a few out of al them have contact with me on a regular basis, and those are my good friends--like you and Avalon, and Jay. Dont worry about getting a lot of responses from people, it will happen, be happy for the ones you get from those who matter most to you, because really thats who your writing for, because they are the ones who read and care...love you doll!!! love kiss kiss
I always read through your posts.....alot of the time I don't leave comments on peoples posts though......I just like to see what their up to. The more active you are on others posts, the more active people become with you.
the next few days at work are going to be slower paced than normal. i am sort of in-between projects although i may get called to help finish up some graphics for this proposal that goes out on tuesday. other than that, im just going to catch up on a few loose ends.

i am in the incredibly fortunate position of being pretty damn valuable...
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one day when i have lots of money, I will be all of my friends this:

and they will be happy
I hate office politics...there were company big-wugs at my work yesterday, and all the managers were all dressed to impress...i really dont care, its all a bunch of brown-nosing...its stupid. whatever
I now have a reason to look forward to Wednesdays..... That is awesome. While reading thru this, I keep playing the same verse from Sucker MC's in my head, "That's the life..that I lead..."

So, what tools do you use to edit? Do you shoot and edit digitally? I would love to watch you piece things together on the tech side. I've often wondered how that's done...mostly with music......but the video would just add another component, right? I imagine it would be very similar....
the cool thing about being a parent is that many times, you get to see yourself reflected in your kids. most of the times, its a physical feature or a mannerism. but sometimes, its a lot more than that.

yesterday was my son's seventh birthday. just before bed, he was being treated to his nightly story. my wife and i alternate reading books to him...
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for the greater part of the last 10 years or so, i have been using the internet in some way, shape or form to seek or enhance sexual activity. i have gone from seeing a "fast internet connection" meaning a 14k modem to DSL and Cable internet being the default for most home users. i was around at a time when internet access cost a...
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WOW! You are a great writer..it is good to see someone speak their mind and not fear the judgement of others! I think your right as a society we are sexually repressed..people don't want to talk about it, don't want to see it and are so quick to judge others who feel free enough to discuss it....
I completely agree with you, but there will never be a "sexual revolution" to where its all acceptable, like in europe...it will just never happen. frown

i hate days like this. i was supposed to be productive today. i had a long list of shit that i was going to knock out..quick fast in a hurry (dont worry, flava-vision aint blurry).

but it never works like that.

my wife's ex-girlfriend and former roomate is in town for the weekend. the two of them and my son were going to go...
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You've got a lot going on. We're the same way with deadlines and the OCD part.....but you have WAYYYY more motivation. Sheeet...I just got Bully for ps2 and have hardly found time for anything else. wink

You might need to take a day or two, get out of your usual routine and just veg out.