Brought up the idea to my wife about bringing another woman into our bed, and she became obsessed with making it happen. First obstacle, finding the other woman, but lucky enough, we were both thinking about the same girl: a tattoo blonde that we occasionally hang out with at the bar. We know she swings both ways. and she has flirted with us before, we...
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Thanks, you're a sweetheart. And a confidence booster! smile

Exciting, honestly, and I don't even know you in real life. Maybe you won't need an xbox if you have these kinds of things to look forward to. wink
Congratulations, haha. Were you expecting your wife to react that way or were you surprised?
I really want my wife to experience a woman. I know she has had fantasies about it, and I think she would be really talented at going down on her.
That is the most wonderful thing I've ever heard. If I were your wife I'd be ecstatic right now.

And I'm starting to get reaaaaally obsessed with this COD... it's bad. biggrin
I am the generator man, running through the city with fire beneath my feet. Melting footprints into the pavement, I fall red hot at your stairs. and stare at your remembered happiness.
Hey, thanks a lot for the sweet comment you left on my set smile
From the little brown box he heard the whisper of Kerouac. He said, "Giraffes on road are friendly."
i fed a giraffe once. i had to give the zookeeper $5 to put branches on its weird purple tongue.
Wandering these streets made of honey and cream. Approached and kissed by you, I faint like a monster in love unto the sticky ground.
Sitting here drinking a beer, thinking about how much I don't want to go to bed because it would mean I would have to wake up and go to work. Not that I hate my job, I just wish they would give people the day off work when it was just too damn nice to work.
It's hard not to look back and think 'what if...' or wonder what you could have done differently, chewing yourself up about it inside.

But given the chance between accepting the past and moving forward or not, can be a matter of life or death in the literal or metaphorical.
ooo. i slept in today... hope im not fired, but they told me not to bother comin in.... i agree with teh days off randomly...payed, or course! lol.....thank you for the wonderful comment on my first set! glad u liked it wink
Here I am, and there you are, and If anybody is reading me, I am not the insane child of Frankenstein's monster and Marilyn Monroe - but rather a man that just happens to exist in a little apartment with a pet apple. You heard me, a pet apple. His name is pickle.
I don't think so, but I am glad you liked the other sets, many thanks for your nice comments! kiss
I don't know who you are, but I guess a person who likes the Magnetic Fields and Leonard Cohen can't be all that bad. Say hello to pickle for me.