2.5 hours until job interview eeek! I hate interviews, I really suck at them but I really need a new job and this one looks pretty cool.

Wish me luck!
How did it go?
Ew, that house spider pic gave me a yucky shudder! Although the cupcakes look amazing!
Hate spiders love cupcakes..this blog is 1/2 of a win!
I've done it, I've gone and booked myself in for my first tattoo and I'm quite frankly shitting iteeek!
Firstly because I'm not even sure what I'm going to get, I have a rough idea but most of the design will be done on the day and even during the tattoo process.
I spent an hour talking to the tattooist last Saturday, talking through...
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Noooooooo, stick to your bmx! ha ha. Who did you end up booking in with in the end?
I forgot how much I loved Dog Eat Dog back in the day.

Infact they still rock dam it!
Damn, I forgot all about them!
So I went in to London last night to hook up with some friends from my travels in South America that I haven't seen in about 3 years which was amazing, we didn't do anything particularly exciting we just met up in a pub and chatted and caught up on life. Who is doing what etc. One of my mates even made it down from...
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Schism tomorrow night, some good tunes, bad dancing and even worse beer! All those in the Surrey area (Woking to be precise) want a night out getting your rocks off get down there. www.clubschism.co.uk I think.

I don't work there or anything its just a good laugh.
I wish they didn't always play the same songs in the same order otherwise I would go to schism more.
I've been there far too many times to count.
Waking up Monday morning and realising i've got the week off is awesome. Me and a friend were supposed to go snowboarding this week but i've hurt my back and he's smashed his knee up so no chance of that happening.
The weekend wasn't too hectic, out for beers Friday night, recovering Saturday and visiting a friends new flat yesterday. Quite chilled out.
I was...
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So my plans to go snowboarding for a week on the 29th have fallen flat on there face which sucks ass massively. On the plus side I'm gonna try to get to the Brighton Tattoo convention and maybe a night out in Brighton.
Anyone know if SG will be represented at the convention and if so who will be going??