I fucking love looking strangers in the eye and saying hello with a smile as i walk by. It makes me laugh when some guys and gals get very uneasy or just strait up pretend i never said a word. I wonder whats going through their minds lol. Oh well I guess it wouldn't be as much fun if everyone just said hello back.
damn i at least try to smile or say hello in return, people are so anti-social anymore
OK.... So i had this brilliant idea to quit smoking cigs, weed and drinking all at once for no good reason other than to prove that I could. Its been 3 long miserable weeks. I didn't think that i would be so damn bored without my vices. So far i have done well but i can see this is going to suck for a while...
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"fuck yourself" lol.. that would be an idea, LOTS of masturbation and SG smile
Haha great idea!! Thankssmile
The snow is almost gone!!!!!smile Feeling lucky because the unit next door had the roof collapse from the snow. eeek
yikes! that would really suck.
Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.
Shel Silverstein
I do not want to go to work todayfrown
Why would a total stranger feel the need to come in and be a complete bitch and ruin someones dayfrown I love my job because i get to play with dogs all day. i just wish they would leave there owners at home.
yep people suck sometimes. welcome to life in the service industry.frown
Friends are trying to get me to play wow again. 6 months wow clean and not sure if i should play again lol
I gave up on quitting. tongue