Last night my car was broken into. My stereo was ripped out of the dash, leaving behind a hopelessly mangled mess of wires to remind me why people can really suck sometimes. The worst part is they took my cell phone as well. What are they gonna do, call my parents? It's tottally useless once I report it stolen. They also managed to fuck up...
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Last night my car was broken into. My stereo was ripped out of the dash, leaving behind a hopelessly mangled mess of wires to remind me why people can really suck sometimes. The worst part is they took my cell phone as well. What are they gonna do, call my parents? It's tottally useless once I report it stolen. They also managed to fuck up...
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Bummer about the car. It happend to me too... twice!
Ugh, thieves suck. I hope you have good insurance.

I attract gay creeps as well. In fact, I'm known for making gay men consider going straight. surreal I don't get it, either.
Just clearing the air, that last journal was overtaken by angst(!) Let me also add that the new Broken social scene is undeniably awesome. I would suggest everyone pick it up as soon as possible.
Agreed, the new BSS is very good.
thank you for your comment on my set, darling! i'm glad you liked it. kiss kiss
I haven't been updating my journal lately because quite frankly I don't feel like it's worth it. I mean really, there's no point. Yeah it was sort of fun to put my thoughts down and yeah it was nice when Stephen, you my one and only friend, would respond, but really I don't feel like I'm getting anything out of it. I have no idea...
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I am befriending you based upon your name alone! Spiritualized are one of my top fav bands...

My refrigerator looks like a refrigerator again, in that it actually has food inside of it. I'd say that's most likely the biggest perk that comes with having a job. I'll be spending most of the money I get this month playing catch up with bills and furniture, but after that I will have some play dough and be able to really start going...
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Yeah, both are very bohemian towns. If I were to live in Texas, Austin is about the only place I could tolerate smile
Thank you for starting the Anderson group! I believe I am semi-notorious in certain parts for being a little toooooo in love with him and Murray so if I get annoying please tell me. "That's if I don't punch you first." wink kiss
Stolen from a girl named Steve.

1. First concert: Nine inch nails
2. First car: Honda Accord
3. First real kiss: Er...
4. First screen name: Mosquitom
5. First self purchased album: Aerosmith, big ones
6. First funeral: Grandpa Chimoro
7. First pet: Barky the dog
8. First piercing/tattoos: N/A
9. First credit card: N/A
10. First enemy: Chuck Norris
11. First big trip:...
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I'm a dude named Steve? surreal
I've now arrived in Austin, hence the changes. I can step outdoors here and be happy that I did, I love the city and I love the people. I've made about as many friends in the last 2 weeks as I had in the last 5 years back in Joh-juh. Things are good...I don't have a job yet, but I've only been searching for the...
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I figured I did more than my share.

Welcome to Austin smile Hope you can make it out to an event soon
PS - Nintendichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane!

ok...gimme' a hint on this one? Nintendo DDT?
I'm a driver, I'm a winner. Things are gonna change, I can feel it.
Fuck, I know that from somewhere but I can't place it.
As set as I seem to move to Austin, I'd have to say I'm not completely married to the idea yet. You'd think that talking about where I want to move for 2 months straight would be enough, but clearly it isn't. The thing is that Austin strikes me as a glorified version of Athens, a place I've already been to quite enough. I love...
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Dude, doooooooooooo eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
Also, if you wanna start a friends thread, go to your friends thread page, and right below the listing of threads should be a link on the right-hand side that says "Add a thread." Though if you start one, only you and I would be able to see it.