From kris7


A great guy. Very friendly, well-spoken, and compassionate. I would definitely like to meet this guy in person as I am sure we'd have loooooong and meaningful conversations which would end in both of us learning a whole lot about ourselves, each other, and the world around us.

I also have a theory about this guy. As some of you know, he is a member of our armed forces. In one of his journal entries he told of several instances of almost getting himself injured/killed when not in active duty. That said, I can definitely picture this guy surviving the bloodiest of battles to emerge relatively unscathed; but when he heads home he'd probably injure himself while in the midst of frying some eggs, or anything else domestic and civilian in nature.

Also, he's single. Any of you ladies out there interested in a man who is a genteman, a good listener, a walking irony-magnet (calling all indie rock chicks), and a supprotive companion with good tastes in music and film, check this righteous dude out.

Lastly, let's hope this guy doesn't get sent to that ugly clusterfuck currently known as American occupied Iraq. I'd like my theory about this guy to remain untested and for him to remain alive and sane.