So I'm back again, trying to get back to my writing, working hard to get a new song off the ground. After seeing AM Radio, Stage and Eve 6 the other night, I remembered I'm supposed to be working my ass off to get to that point. I can't quit college, cause I've got a lot going for me right now, so I need to...
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Hey, I'll see you thursday, but I have to work some mad hours this week and next, so bring some reading material, and hit up dad for some money for food. The fridge is stocked but w/ vegetarian fare.
see you tomorrow. keep in mind that the internet is only up at night.
Right now, slow jazz is sizing up the night as rain falls softly in the backyard. Nathan and Ben decided to visit today, and ben is drunken and passed out on the couch while Nathan, barely buzzed, sit on the old couch on the porch switching between his book and his pad and pen. We had a few guests over tonight, and now all that...
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I don't know where i read that..
but it got stuck in my head..
I love T.S. Eliot!! one of my favorites by him is The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

"For I have known them all already, known them all:
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons; "

Love that verse.

I want to stand in front of you,
your throbbing, heaving masses
for once, just to have you listen.
I'll wrap the cables around my body,
make a web,
make them all viens and arteries and inputs and outputs,
streaming forth a human condition, my condition.
And maybe you'll grab and try to pull it to your skin,
to make it run with your blood,...
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the address you wanted is now in the journal entry, i edited it for ya
Hey blameshift. I love Ashville, I try to get up there a few times a year. It's amazing how there's more rockin bookstores and record stores pack into two streets of Ashville then in the entire city of charlotte.
Yeah, so it's definitely 1:30 in the afternoon and I haven't really slept. I went to buy cigarettes this morning at about 6, and what should happen but some bum should be waiting in a car beside mine. He sees that I have money and cigarettes, so he asks me for some change. Gives me some crap about how he needs to get to Ladson...
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yeah. nightranger. go figure. _luke is seriously on my shit list today.

fancy restaurant: check
hottie: check
me looking like a slob: check

what a recipe for excitement! have fun with your ex!
are you indulging chucktown bums, or are you in nc?
Yay, I have pictures now....check them out..my supreme lack of a digital camera leaves me with only old photos from shows and a few pics from random occasions. I'll try to get more.

The girlfriend and I are back to normal!!! We went out to Shady Mae's and came back, her driving, me drunk and we had a lot of fun. (Breathes long sigh of...
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hey..great pictures!!
glad to hear you and the girl are good again..

not much new on my end..going to NYC again in a few days. going to the museum of natural history..I love that place.
I need new pics. I'll have to take some this weekend, but i'll probably just get drunk and end up dropping my camera again or take pics. of stupid shit like cabs..whatever

I'm rarely ever on aim...but I'll look for you when i am smile
yes, yes I did.

couldn't fucking resist.

now watch your mouth young man, and tell Johnny and J-Rod I say hi.
So darkness has fallen
in the twilight
of you and I
and I'm left gathering old memories
while I sit in silence.

I will look to my hands for the answer;
in times of strife like these,
they have always given answers.
yep I'm back..
so what did I miss? smile
Holy crap...sorry guys...it's been a few days, didn't mean to leave yall hangin...It's been an eventful couple of days...why don't ya let me tell you about it. The past couple of days have been spent going around town, spending some time with the girlfriend, thinking about moving back to college, thinking about going to visit Dad, and having a few beers along the way. Johnny...
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Word, no worries mate, glad to hear from you again.
Tuesday morning, I'm pretty tired, but I tink I have gotten back into my regular sleep schedule, went to bed about 1:30 and woke up around 9 or 10, so that's good. In the last parts of my waking hours, I think I have decided to alter a few things...I'm going to try to quit smoking so I can start running again, get back in...
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lght beer and no cigarettes!! you're starting to scare me!! biggrin
talk to you this weekend.

I'll have fun w/ Cathy for you.
So, a Sunday night and nothing to do....maybe I'll write in the journal...Listening to some Working Title right now, I'm getting up early in the morning (early meaning before 10) to go help someone clean out apartments so I can get some extra cash to somewhat support myself on (i.e. buy beer). I think I'm going to visit my dad sometime in mid-August, before I...
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yo, I am taking off for a few days to see Radiohead in Philly. Right around the 18th. Keep that in mind. Though probably I am the one booking your tickets anyway, so nevermind.

Oh, new tom robbins right now. Good.

You still have my "Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas"!!!
only watched half of gangs of NY..the opening of the movie ROCKS!
ended up falling alsleep again..
didn't even get to call anyone frown
I'm such a party girl..haha
So again it is 4:15 in the morning and I can't sleep. Grandma has now left the house to go back to Aunt Cathy's, and that means I can blast my music as loud as I want to. But this particular twilight has not been filled with happy music, or thrash, or rap, or even light tunes. No, I have been walking around contemplating the...
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nice playlist, by the way. You read every one of my journals? Shit.

*runs away now*

you should join some groups. I'm sure there is something that you can get into. No SG carolina though. Go to the Hook-up board and see if you can generate interest in one.
Great playlist..
U2 is always great to listen to in the dark
joey-bob dylan is awesome ..my favorite though is
tangled up in blue.
the river is such a sad song..that is about his sister who got pregnant and had to get married.
I can't listen to any version of over the rainbow always makes me cry..
So, I met the girlfriend's family last night, that went well. A lot of women in that family...Sourthern women...Modern Southern women, so they all work and have kids, but they'll make sure to tell you "I like you, you're a good kid. You hurt my daughter/ niece/ sister/ granddaughter/ cousin...I'll fuck you up."Ok, I can take that, but I don't really like the 25 year...
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yeah... i thought so too. but i really did like it! believe it or not. it is a little predictable but the performances are decent enough and it has elements of a lot of bad cop movies but done fairly well.. i dunno... surprised me too.

nope, i have not read potter. hated the first movie though so wasn't really encouraged to read the books from that. thought the flick was an overrated, boring stupid piece of crap. so there you go. (i can feel the hate mail coming my way now...) wink