Where am I now?
The bed isn't mine. I know that for sure, it's too big. Big enough for...
She's next to me. Thank god, I need her so bad right now. I'm so scared...
That isn't her.
Well, I'll figure this out in a second. It's talking to me again.
"You know why I woke you up, right?"
Of course I do.
"It's almost time. I have spread again, you know."
Yes, I know. I can barely eat anymore, and my larnyx has been pushed an inch to the left. My voice is getting raspy.
"I am beginning the dig."
No. Not here. Not now.
"You keep saying that. We are past being courteous to our hosts in this country. We are almost at the end. Your end. Do you understand?"
Please. I don't want to die.
"It's better this way. If I remain here, I spread back. Do you know what is back from where I am not. About an inch or so?"
My carotid artery...
"Exactly. And if the dig begins there, I ultimately enter your bloodstream. And then, you are lost completely."
No. Please...
"Stop begging. Don't you see? I'm giving you a chance here. I'm being as sporting as I can. I dig now, a half inch below your jawline. The wound will start to show tomorrow morning. By the evening, I will be through."
"After the dig is complete, your neck will explode. A veritable geyser of death. You just think I have been swelling in here, don't you? You are way off. I've already killed much of what was in here. It's dissolving now. Into a viscous, grey, fluid."
Oh god...
"We are past that, agnostic. When the explosion happens, you should run to a mirror. I swear, the look on your face will be priceless. When you look right into your own eyes..."
"...and see..."
Please don't...
"...a corpse."
"...from that moment, you will have 12 hours, maybe 18, if you are really lucky."
"Look, kid, calm down. It doesn't have to be this way. Get up, now, and go to the hospital. Get someone to drive you. They can't refuse you, even if you haven't got insurance. Your parents will figure it out. Just go. Please."
...I...I can't...
"...alright kid. Suit yourself. Who knows. Maybe the doctor was right all along, and this is just mono, and you'll be fine."
"...yeah, and maybe I'm just a hallucination..."
The bed isn't mine. I know that for sure, it's too big. Big enough for...
She's next to me. Thank god, I need her so bad right now. I'm so scared...
That isn't her.
Well, I'll figure this out in a second. It's talking to me again.
"You know why I woke you up, right?"
Of course I do.
"It's almost time. I have spread again, you know."
Yes, I know. I can barely eat anymore, and my larnyx has been pushed an inch to the left. My voice is getting raspy.
"I am beginning the dig."
No. Not here. Not now.
"You keep saying that. We are past being courteous to our hosts in this country. We are almost at the end. Your end. Do you understand?"
Please. I don't want to die.
"It's better this way. If I remain here, I spread back. Do you know what is back from where I am not. About an inch or so?"
My carotid artery...
"Exactly. And if the dig begins there, I ultimately enter your bloodstream. And then, you are lost completely."
No. Please...
"Stop begging. Don't you see? I'm giving you a chance here. I'm being as sporting as I can. I dig now, a half inch below your jawline. The wound will start to show tomorrow morning. By the evening, I will be through."
"After the dig is complete, your neck will explode. A veritable geyser of death. You just think I have been swelling in here, don't you? You are way off. I've already killed much of what was in here. It's dissolving now. Into a viscous, grey, fluid."
Oh god...
"We are past that, agnostic. When the explosion happens, you should run to a mirror. I swear, the look on your face will be priceless. When you look right into your own eyes..."
"...and see..."
Please don't...
"...a corpse."
"...from that moment, you will have 12 hours, maybe 18, if you are really lucky."
"Look, kid, calm down. It doesn't have to be this way. Get up, now, and go to the hospital. Get someone to drive you. They can't refuse you, even if you haven't got insurance. Your parents will figure it out. Just go. Please."
...I...I can't...
"...alright kid. Suit yourself. Who knows. Maybe the doctor was right all along, and this is just mono, and you'll be fine."
"...yeah, and maybe I'm just a hallucination..."
spontaneous dancing didn't make your list?

ok good. i think my "silliness" covers it as well.