I know most of the SG community is comprised of pretty awesome, open minded, accepting, chill people. We're here to appreciate gorgeous, sexy, naked women of all kinds, and great photography. Members and SGs actually share all kinds of art; drawing, painting, music, dance, etc. We may even make some friends, have some laughs, and be part of an overall positive and supportive community.

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in my experience, I just ignore it. it's best to just ignore the jerks and appreciate the people online who enjoy seeing what you share/post for what it's worth/you intended it, not constantly demanding more of you or bringing you down in my opinion.
Honestly haven't had any uber creepy ex pierced so far......yet!! But I've heard about them😖

It's finally over! But omfg it hurts sooooooooooo bad. My whole leg is extremely swollen and bruises under the dressing

hope it's since healed a bunch!
Thanks, @_band1t! It's been 5 weeks since surgery and I got to ditch my crutches on Friday. Still have a long way to go but I'm getting a little better and a little stronger, every day

Got my signed copy of Geekology yesterday. Well worth the wait and crowd on the floor. Big thanks to @damsel, @neptune, @exning, and unfortunately I can't make out the other signatures. Love the book too! Go get yourself a copy of #Geekology !

@exning, do you recognize the 2 signatures boxed in red?