Hey gang,i'll be posting a few new pics soon.if anyone in the Dallas area is looking to do a shoot,let me know. The studio is actually in my apt that I share with Morticia and Avarice. Its small but it works!!
Hey I just got back around today to updating my account and making a come back!! So I missed you all and am looking forward to working with my Dallas ladies on some new SG shoot ideas!!
Hey gang,i just added 3 new pics today.i had a great shoot this week.Kelly finally let me get her infront of my camera.as you will see her first shoot ever went very well.morticia found a litle surprise in her apple,and she just loved it.i hope you do too.let me know what ya think.
Hey gang,thanks for all the comments.i have a shoot next week.you guessed it more blood.my model and friend Morticia loves when i shoot her all covered in blood.and i must say she wears it well.if anyone would like to see more of my work go here http://www.onemodelplace.com/photographer_list.cfm?p_id=29155 i would love to hear what you all think of my work.i will put the new pics up... Read More
I love the photo-work, very unique. I'm in graphic design for cinematography so i do a lot of photography work and digitally altar the image...kind of like J.K. Potter..just some strange mixes..like merging a woman and a dragon..things like that. I really do like your work though, very nice.
the thoughts of a correctional officer,after a really hard night at work. want to hear something funny?i got home from work about an hr ago,i work from 6pm to 7am.i had to stand and stare at myself in the mirror for a few minutes.you see i was covered in dried blood(none of it mine),a black eye and busted lip.i reak of teargas and sweat.what i... Read More
Hey gang,thanks for all the comments.i have a shoot comming up so i will post new pics soon.i will be shooting yet another set of photos with lot of blood.what can i say my model and friend Morticia love when i shoot her all bloody.i have a portfolio at one model place.com id#29155 if any one would like to see even more of my work.i will have my own websight up soon aswell. http://onemodelplace.com/photographer_list.cfm?p_id=29155
i hope that cameup as a link