Ok, I've come to the conclusion that I live in the most inbred town ever!

Seriously, EVERYONE here knows everyone else, and its like everyone you meet is someone you met yesterday's sister/brother/step sister/mother/aunt/uncle/cousin. It's fucked up!!

Never mind the fact that Gary glitter was born here, or some local council member has recently gone on peado charges, just the amount of incestuous action going...
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inbreds generally are moronic wink trust me, when you live as close to west virginia as i do you know these things biggrin
Never left England?! DO these people not wonder about the rest of the world? I bet you live in Dibley don't you?
This week I have been mostly:

College finished, even though I havnt handed in all my work, and consequently my Distinction overall grade is more or less dropped to a Merit because the few assignments are referred and thus best mark I can get is Pass!
SO, working on the law of averages, it drops me to a merit. Whilst annoying, I am still...
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she doesnt really bother me too much, i realise its just dumb to get upset over someone so much younger... my main fear is she' ll be ignorant towards me on a bad day and ill deck her... im not violent, so the one time i actually would hit someone it would so not be cool for them to be a minor, hahaha blackeyed
glad to make your day biggrin .... and i think the terms "massive cock" and "however hard it is" should always be in the same sentence!!! wink
Went to see SHAI HULUD last night. Man they owned. They came out with serious intent and fury and just blew everyone away. Not only did they have AMAZING stage presence, but they played more or less note perfect, and so incredibly tight. What an AWESOME band...just a shame to see them have to end frown

I also had the most EXCELLENT day with a certain...
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girls can be like that. i have to go with germ on this . tell her how u feel. u never know where it could lead
maybe you should tell her how you feel instead of the rest of the world on the internet...

sounds bold i know, but it just may work.
So, in like 3 days the event of the year approaches.

Shai Hulud at the garage...I've been waiting for this gig for so long you wouldnt believe. I'm just totally gutted that it's Geert who'll be doin the vox rather than Chad..but still...Shai Hulud on british soil....supported by the ever awesome Jairus.

Is anyone going to this gig??? If so..say HI.

I'm just excited...wooo, the...
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haha! biggrin good story! ARRR!!! funny, if i'm in desperate need of (usually drunken) piss, McDonalds is always my first destination!!
Wish I could go but I have a gig of my own to work at frown
I am SOOOO bored. You wouldnt believe it!
The highlight of my day was getting a phone call from my brother saying he'd broken some shelves at work and needed them fixing.
So...an hour and a half was spent building new shelves so that him and his workmate dont get into the shit for it.

Now I'm home again and bored stiff! I've got 2...
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(gag) i don't put my mouth on the dog... eww... i won't get into it cause it is boring but i do chest compressions and use a special breathing device that involves a bag of air.... blah blah blah...

have you been over here before... and where?

Hi Benstarr. I can't believe someone found me. How did you find me? The pyramid scheme sounds crazy but it just might work. We'll sort out the details later. Good luck with the autos and the birds and Gary Oldman in the meantime.
Someone please tell me...I'm not the only person who hates education. And that I'm not the only person who leaves work until the VERY VERY last minute, and then cant be bothered to do it.....

I have to write a case study tonight. It has to be in tomorrow. It has to be 4000 words. It's to be about whether advertising reflects society or society...
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Another day another Dollar...as it were.

I got me a new job On Saturday...and they're already asking me to do overtime...which is a good thing. YES?!

You gotta understand, I havnt had a job in 2 years (yep, I've been bumming off my student loan) so this whole working thing is pretty new to me again haha...anyway...I've been there one day, and already I'm considering...
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my mate is a lazy bum, who despite the fact he has a car and a student house and spends 150+ on shit every week, still tries to make us believe he isnt a spoilt little bitch who gets money off his parents.... not sure how this post related to you, but.....hmmmmm

howdy, anyway. im the resident cocky little bastard of SGUK, you know the kinda guy at a party who tries to entertain everyone and you just wish he would slip into a temporary coma??? that me biggrin
No way....you've got competition dude...that there roll of "cocky little bastard... ....the kinda guy at a party who tries to entertain everyone and you just wish he would slip into a temporary coma" Well, thats my routine skull

I think some kinda show down is required! BRING IT ON! tongue
Wooo...my first entry, it's so much fun.

I wish I had some friends though....My profile editor thingy is laughing at me! frown
Still..the weather is nice today, for a change. biggrin
I shall have to try harder for my next entry I think.....I'm just gettin this one over and done with!
Aw that's so sweet! I missed out on the stage bit but i was there for everything else! You shoulda come to say hi! smile
hehe, I would have....but when I did see a chance to say hi, I felt like a pleb and so I hurried away elsewhere.
The way I figured it was you'd all probably had a zillion guys (and girls) saying Hi and harrassing you all weekend....and I didnt wanna be another annoying person.
Awww, shyness is so not a good thing. frown