Had today off, very nice, tomorrow off too, oh yes!
Didn't do much today, cleaned up, watched the two towers just relaxed. Went to the pub to see me mate, was fine at first, but a football match was put on and the placefilled up with lairy nobheads, so I went home - pity I was enjoying my guinness frown
Trainings completely done now, finished with...
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I've never attempted membership of the Turbojungend, so no idea how hard it is to join unfortunately...and the nearest I've come to anyone vaguely near Turbonegro is watching The Hives and the Sahara Hotnights last year... frown

JT Mouse are just some South Wales band, and The Keys used to be 'Murray The Hump'...they were brilliant if you like that sort of thing (I definitely do...).
Have a look on Kazaa to see if there's anything to download...
i got my heart tattoo finished off, flames coloured in etc....
i think i may just give that AQA thing a go, im gettin really pissed off where i work at the mo, its the most disorganised place ever.
that could be cool too workin by the academy, tho i dont know of any decent bands on at the mo
Gah, have a stocktake tomorrow, want to go out! There no way Im counting plectrums with a hangover, fuck that! Its been such a nice day, I would kill to be able to go and get bladdered now, grr!

There a firework display on right now nearby, sounds like a warzone, just like home, sigh...

cut me hair today, just a little tho, its all...
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hey love smile
ok i'll give you some start songs to get, but you have to promise to keep an open mind cos they don't sound ANYTHING like HWP biggrin
they've beed described as *siouxsie meets nirvana* , which i think is a pretty good description.
Off of their record called "shakedown"
- nemesis
- shakedown!
- hang on me
They have some demos of stuff on their site (www.thestart.org) the song Flying Machine is one of my favorites.
They put out a new EP last year, which you can only get at a gig or on their website. I dont know if people have gotten the songs online or not but if they have try and find...
- the 1234
- los angelos
- trinity
- hi flyer

if you cant find anything, let me know and i'll see if anyone has a site with sound clips of the new ep.

cats + cat nip = insanity! but its o so fun.
do you have any pics of the newly cut hair?
i wanna see!
Dont bloody believe it, went for a kebab tonight, and on the way back a scally on a bike tried to nick it out of my hand as I walked! Managed to hold onto it, but fuckin hell, whats the world coming to?
Weather was superb for a change today, its about time summer arrived - attractive girls in skimpy tops keep walking past my...
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haha yes i know aimee echo!
when i was 17 the kid i was dateing had a huuuuuge crush on her. So a couple of years ago i introduced him to her at the first show theSTART played at CBGB's i think he almost pissed himself!
I would have loooooved to have been at ozzfest to see HWP. Yr so lucky! The closest i've gotten is that when i was at one of theSTART shows a few weeks ago Aimee + Jamie started to play Electra. it was AMAZING.
i was so thrilled biggrin
Today was arse, dont know why, had real trouble talking today, just felt withdrawn and quiet, dont know why. Was knackered by the time I got home, and soaking wet. My dreads are sticking up for some reason, I look like a pineapple, why oh why?
Ahem. went to jimmys to get crickets for eddie, was hoping he would want to go for a beer...
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i'm slimminsh.....just with bumps tongue
Mr Pineapple head hehe

yeah rich is kinda skinny too, no matter what he eats he's just lanky and skinny. I kinda like it tho
you saw human waste project live?!?!?
i never got a chance to see them, i am good pals with Aimee Echo tho biggrin it kinda sorta makes up for it.
Next time theSTART crosses the pond you've got to see them, they put on such a great live performance.
and they do an amazing cover of Breed by Nirvana.
love love love
anyway i'm gonna add you as a friend on here.
those english expressions are the best!

[Edited on May 28, 2003]
Good old bank holidays, went shopping bought treats, stuffed myself yum!
Saw a girl on the way to the supermarket who lived in the same halls as me at uni. I really fancied her(still do) at the time and later found out she did as well, but we were both in long term relationships by the time we told each other. Which really sucked. She...
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I have no idea which tat Cliff Burton had, but it's funny you should say that, because back in high school, everyone was concinced that I was the walking ghost of Cliff. I apparently looked JUST like him. Now, with the Fu Manchu, everyone's always telling me I look like Hetfield. And I don't even like Metallica that much!

The tat I have is the cover of Collection II, the classic shot with his hands crossed over his chest.

GREAT taste in movies, as I'm currently obsessed with Ringu, and Pulp Fiction is tied with the Exorcist as my favorite movie ever. I hated Kevin Smith's last to flicks, though. And Evil Dead II made me who I am today!

Oh, and Cobra is from G.I. Joe.

[Edited on May 27, 2003]
yeah it settles your tummy smile
ewww, I feel sick as a dog. Did go out last night, had a cracking time, but stupidly mixed beer and wkd, and Im sure feeling it. Im not that tired too, cos I stayed in bed for ages, so I cant even just go to bed. Stoopid johnny! This absolute freak kept patting me on the head all night too, dunno what was up...
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were you at Jilly's? the guy told my mate that she'd given him an old ticket and that it wasn't his signature on the back...strange because she'd never been there before. Then when i called up the next day to ask if they had a spare coat they were really rude to me, grr!

anyway yeah i got half of my room tidied.

yes the Cure....this band sends me nutty, how on earth they're classed as 'goth' i'll never know!

[Edited on May 25, 2003]
Had a nice easy day today, trained in leccy guitars, got to play a 2 1/2 grand strat, it costs loads even though its bashed around at the factory to make it look old, its funny old world. Was able to leave at two as well, nice afternoon to meself, fantastic! And it didn.t rain (much)! smile
Three days off now, what to do, I wonder?...
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That's what i thought however they are a good band, do remind me of Lacuna Coil a lot though.
Yes Richard is fully aware of the concequences of ignoring drunk girlfriend too. I'm glad you all know your place wink
yak yak yak. Just watched a well funny scottish sketch show thing must find out what that was.
Was bored tonight, so I thought I would get a needle red hot with a lighter but I grabbed it at the red hot end and managed to brand a diagonal line across the tip of my thumb, and it bloody hurts. Thats gonna be with me...
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was the scottish sketch thing the one where the fellas watchin the nativity play and says to the kid "why are you such a short arse" to the great reply "cos everytime i shag your ma she pats me on the head"??? you goin to see the misfits???
it's called 'Chewing The Fat'
was shown in Scotland ages ago bit like a scottish fast show. Mt soon to be stepfather loves it, that and peter kay
Well, smile smile smile smile whatever love then whatever whatever confused tongue so it became bok oink bok surreal all of a sudden miao!! wink confused whatever miao!! so I decided wink confused wink biggrin but it was really robot oink robot oink but I ended up eeek confused love . Thats life!
beyblades sure wre from the monster munch!!! cant say i noticed the knobness of the pieces, was too excited to get playin with them!!!
Good old lazy sunday, got up early, did some housework, then some shopping for food, then slobbed out, eating blueberry muffins with strawberry actimel, yum.
Cat came home last night, with a load of candles from her mate, what is it with girls and candles? We have so many now, we're getting taken over by wax confused
Didn't get my night alone then, she came back...
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Just watched donnie darko. Darkened the room and stuck the black light on for atmosphere, now I feeel a bit weirded out. Not the best film to watch on your own in a dark room! Must watch it again, it was such a strange film.
Had a nice lazy day other than that, didn't go shopping cos the weather was awful, but I can do...
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it's a good film though isn't it, although i didn't get the chance to see it again. I braved the rain and shopped for 6 hours you wuss!

and yeah it is good to have some space once in a while. Especially when the bed feels soooo big and you can lie in a star shape!
all diet coke is evil! i buy it everynow and again, take a sip and think why the fuck did i do that!? first time i saw donnie darko was at the cinema on my own - literally there was no one else in the room i was in, anyhow got to the scene in which they were in the cinema and frank appears... i nearly wet myself wanting to look next to me but i just sat frozen instead : P
play any riff except for that!
Blah blah, hard days training, blah blah drunk on guinness etc. Watching that twat vernon whatsisface on that girls and boys thing, that is the worst thing I've seen for ages. Why are his teeth so white and annoying?
Two days off at fuckin last, damn I'm gonna enjoy em, think I will go up the town for some retail therapy tommorow, oh yes.
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oooh lovely, sailors and marmite, what a combination!
God, that was camp. Can I have some?
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