A random dose of testosteroni (the san francisco treat)

Behold! I am man (albeit with a few extra pounds and the mind of a 500 year old sage and the rage of a 3000 year old egyptian warrior) but, behold! I am man!

Tree? HAH It is felled! (and moved back to be part of a new compost pile)

Rotting wood pile? HAHAHA! Also in...
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Haha, that was well worth the read!
Why, Thank you lass!
A funny thing....
So Staples messed up my order, thought they lost it, the vendor screwed up and didnt mark anything, so the order was replaced. Went to pick it up and voila double order the store stated that it was the vendors fault and I agree, it was sitting for over a month.. the store thought they were getting new displays. so double the...
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OH! Also, bought myself new boots and I'm finally getting a utilikilt. It's about time I had my workman.

Had a lot thrust upon me on Friday, hoping I can live up to the expectations of my manager here.... While my current supervisor is out of town, I am now the big man on campus. essentially, I get blamed if things go wrong and handshakes if things go right. In the 2 days that he has been in miami... already had 2 fires...
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So much on the plate;

Working on a tat design, almost complete, but nervous,, the placement to fit my theme would put this one right behind my neck... which is a difficult place for me, but would mean so much.

Staves, holy crap I have a lot of blanks ready, now to figure out what carving or stone or adornment goes with what.

Wands, I'm...
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Always :-D
2 weeks then I get my sanity back, I hope.... 2 weeks, wish me luck.
This will be one of those weekends that despite the amount of busy I will have on my schedule, I do not think I will be satisfied. I feel like something is missing this friday and can't put my finger on it.

Maybe I need a good hole in the wall hookah bar that I don't feel I need to be "packing" to go into....
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Hey :-)
I find myself craving inspiration right now, to draw, paint, create out of wood. I have a convention next month and I'm severely lacking in drive right now... hmmph

Faire season over. Last convention of the year completed and down to custom orders and photoshoots. Whee!

Wow its been a fun several months. I've missed you all!
Two weekends down....

I want to sleep....

Oh, the teriyaki will be worth it this weekend however, all the layers, all the crazyness, all the walking, all the gypsies....

Hm, maybe it's not sooooo bad....