He's been gone since Wednesday. That's a long time alone and wondering. It wears on me. My stomach has done nothing but act up. I am being good and inviting people to do things so that I can eat, I hate eating alone.

The dogs are making circles around the table. Combined with the pain pills I just took for a painful kink in my...
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Your mind is in the right place, but your hurting heart is affecting it. I know you two love each other, and I know losing this may kill you for a while...but you are a strong, smart, caring woman who deserved to be loved and respected. If he can't get his shit together and realize what he is going to lose, he doesn't deserve you anyway.

I want everything to work out for the best, no matter what that may be. I love you both, but you know my loyalty (and my heart) lies with you. Anything you need from me if yours. don't ever thank me, it's what I'm here for. it's what friends do, and it's what people do for the ones they love. smile
if it is time to move on, we're going to do it together. Embrace every day and keep on pushing.
You should never have to apologize for who you are. Never. Not to anyone.
keep texting me, keep calling me, I'm here. I love you.
and, you know, if all else fails and he dumps me or ends up being a total db or you and I end up being crotchety old maids, we can marry each other and have dogs and sit on the front porch with our shotguns. biggrin

the one person who really knows me best
says i'm like a cat
yeah the kind of cat that you just can't pick up
and throw into your lap
no, the kind that doesn't mind being held
only when its her idea
yeah, the kind that feels what she decides to feel
when she is good and ready to feel it.

--ani d.
YAY! If the roads are less reatrded tonight, I may come for a visit. I woke up feeling really, really blah. So I need some smiles and love. xo
uhhhhhmmmmmm guess what? ILY! biggrin kiss
Suicide Girls on Apartment Therapy

2 of my favorite things! Today I am going up to the bar (walking, if it isn't too cold) to drink a Pepsi (why is there no Coke?) and watch the game. We are stupid broke so that's the plan. Jer has to work until.. like 3ish or whenever he gets done. At least some friends will be there so...
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I'm on ur couuuchzzzzzz touching yer doggzzz
so I decided you should make wedding boquets with your adorable perfect little felt flowers. You could make hella bank and make weddings super super cute!!
due to a messy tortoise and wars over dishes we now have a family of fruit flies which i take much joy in destroying. effing a.

I fucking hate fruit flies. ughh.
Got things mostly ironed out with the boyfriend. He is sick, has been sick for almost 3 weeks now. Time to take him to the doctor. I have to rush OT tonight to get him to the Emergicare - I will be exhausted BUT at least I'll know whats wrong with him and hopefully he will get better quick.

Halloween is this week, that is...
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Awwwwwww lovely... I love the photo of you and Rosaleigh (I always want to call her Rosie haha) on her blog.

We are all taking a road trip to California. The end.
oh man, i am so bored / frustrated with my hairs. i have bangs and i'm kind of in hate with them. i am not sure what to do with them. grow them out, keep hating them.. i don't know whether to go brown or blonde. man it is just W T F. i r frustrated.

went to the zoo with rosaleigh and it was...
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you. me. music sharing party. SOOOOON.

the butterlies is making babies!
I love it! smile

I really need to get out of my house and meet people. I'm working full time though...sooo if you have evenings off, we should do something (when you have the time). <33
Ah. a day off. A day to get away from the boss's self-imposed drama at work and relax. Did I mention that his recent hissy fit cost me almost $200 in lost wages? Yea. That kind of mad. Now, instead of getting from 2:30pm-10:pm counted as overtime and working with a lot of great people, I have to stay in my own building and get...
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