Happy belated Turkey day everyone. My stomach is FULL. Now off to work, yay for double time, boo for not being with family that flew across the U.S. to see me frown
Smile it's all better.. Tis the season to start I guess? People slowly become insane then the end of the year rolls around and it's another: People are normal for a week or two then the madness arrives again. Everyone tries to find a heart just after they went broke looking for a scarf. Soon everyone will be tanked and colored green because they forgot...
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This blog will be short

Oh yeah, finally not working for a bit- let the geek side come out. Totally can't wait to start gaming, let the pwnage commence.
I totally would have played all night but the couch was WAY to comfortable. Sad that; my idea of a late night gaming would mean I would pass out at 1am on the couch
mmmmmmm gaming! wink thanks for the blog comment! your advice really helped. mmm chicken noodle soup hehehe I am recovered and well!
I finally got a chance to make a mention of my trip back home to Minnesota. Well, it was a rot-hole. The entire town I went back to was just a bunch of glammed up ruins. Tear the town down and build a remembrance of where society went wrong.

Trash litering streats, yards, parking lots, heads- everywhere. To think I used to think my home...
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The insanity I'm awake before noon. a Full 24 hours until I fly to Minnesota. Nervous.