Well, after 3 years of tapdancing for the man i've decided to get back into my old routine. I used to have my labret, nose and eyebrows peirced but because of work i had to take them out. The only one i kept was my labret but once i lost the stud, i just let it go. That was about 2 years ago and I...
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Wow, i'm tired. That's all.... just tired. nothing exciting.
ummm... I'm pretty sure that I'm going to burn in hell. I fired someone today not even realizing it was X-mas eve.... that probably makes me a bad person huh? Oh well, too late now.
this is today, this is my comment. this is my pig. oink and this is my purple faced man eating someone's still beating heart tongue
did i just reply to my own journal entry? I think so. So that would make this a reply to a reply about a reply right? i give up.
So I think I must be an idiot because i cannot put up a pic to save my life. I've adjusted all my settings on my camera and done this and that but can't get the pic under 100kB. I must be missing something. Granted, I'm not the smartest man alive when it comes to stuff like this but come on.... it can't be THAT...
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Well, well...my first entry... too bad NOTHING is going on to write about. Not that there is really anyone besides myself who will read this but I'll still write for my own amusement. This site is great and the Suicide Girls never cease to amaze me....shoud I spend as much time as I do here? I think yes.....