Everything rests on tomorrow...

I just slept like 12 hours, in preporation for an endless day tomorrow. I awake at 5am go to work at 6am, work till 2pm, come home, get packed and go to D.C. for the Cursive/Plea for Peace tour, get smashed and pass out, wake up at 10 to come home by 12 to drop Starsandsmokes off for work. Man the...
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Have fun and be safe!!
Well, have a good time. Do tell all upon your return (and after some sleep.)
I'm gorging myself on vegetables right now...

Anyway, I had an interesting evening. A girl whom I'm quite fond of called me up earlier this afternoon and asked if I'd like to meet her for drinks. I was delighted, but I also knew that she had an alterior motive. You see, she was recently dumped (that sounds bad) by her boyfriend who thought that he...
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Mine definitely screams "lesbian." Haha.

I'd love to have the balls enough to get it pierced, but too afraid. I hate piercing-pain.
I want to grow a beard again, But my stupid job won't let me. Why do old people hate beards anyway?

Oh, keep your hats on David Cross has a new album and it's gonna kick something if not stomp on something else... oh, just go and get it.
beards eh? what kind of beard did you have in mind? beardsarenot sobadits when yoiu enter the world of the mustache that i beginto worry.
goatee... confused
Will someone please come over here and hold my hand, I need the company.
it's the tattoo on my arm, in my pictures
Q and not U fucking rocked! Great show, I love those guys. They're even better Live. The other openers were okay. Beauty Pill needs alittle work and Decahedron just rocked, I heard the Fugazi influence in there. Damn Ian Mackaye doing his thing making stuff better...

Now I'm tired.


Valentine! I want to feel your lips pressed up against mine...
Right on. Glad you had fun at your show. I ended up at a Kennedy show at a strip club last night. Damn fun.

To answer your question from a ways back, I lived in DC in DC from 98-00. Bad, bad neighborhood. The 9:30 Club was visited on many occasions.
Sounds like you had a great weekend. I just found out that I have tickets to the Pixies in San Fran in September and am too excited for words.

Cursive is coming up... it will be quite a show. Let me know what kind of set they play at the show you attend as it will be occuring much sooner than the one I am attending.

Get outside. Breathe some fresh air. It's spring, god dammit. Now's your chance.
Valentine! I want your lips press up against mine.
What??? confused
whose the valentine? what are you talking about not commenting on your journal anymore? you are pretty much the one person who i consistently comment to. i hardly spend any time on this sight any more and you are the one person who i keep in contact with pretty much. so there goddamn it! mad
last evening after I came home, I hopped on here and was going thru my past entries. I was just amazed at how I sounded, what I did and who was talking to me thru out the past year. It was quite introspective.

On other notes: I'm going to see Q and Not U, one of my favorite live bands, down in Baltimore. Should be...
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I lived in DC about five years ago, I think? My duration there was about two years. Then I moved onto Chicago. Have you spent time there?

Also: feel free to vent at your leisure. Certainly not going to bother me.

Well hey if your going to be at the Ottobar hit up goatsgotoell he lives right down there in the area.. either way yeah its fucking easy as pie to find sinc ei been back down there and all, i just screwed up being color blind and all couldnt see a freaking red over hanging thing out front of the place.
Man, That Brody Armstrong chick looks fuckin tough. Watchin the Distillers on Conan. She looks different than the photos I've seen of her. A don't get it, so many people think she's hot. I guess I must be blind to that whole thing. Oh well.

What a waste today was, it was beautiful out but I didn't go there. I just sat in my room...
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Good to hear you were able to live it up this weekend. I lived it up a little too much on Friday... but had a fun Saturday with several friends on the roof of a building in LA and then ate shitloads of candy yesterday. My roommate got a little inebriated, played soccer with the 8-year old neighborhood kid, and accidentally broke our neighbor's window by kicking the ball directly into it. Easter got wild. So you may have this girly calling you back, eh? Pretty cool. The show on Thursday was a lot of fun and I'm hoping to get to a few more this week. We shall see how it all plays out. Nothing really new on my end, unfortunately. A pretty uneventful weekend. Hopefully I will have more to report to you tomorrow. A lot can happen in a night...
hey, any good printer deals at Stapes right now?

p.s. soorry missed yer call...was out of the area...
Had an adventure last night with starsandsmokes, sal_paradise, and a friendly female counterpart. We ventured onto our state's capital and did some hoppin. Thanks to the lovely lady accompanying us, we got some free drinks! She's an aspiring model and one of the local promoters knew her and offered to get us ripped. We kinda half ass accepted cause we werent' really sure...
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mmm yeah, i'll try and go see q and not u, i didn't know they were playing
Leo's may have more bruisable egos, but are also very inward looking. You may scrutinize yourself more than you need to. What may seem to you as self-defeatist may be exactly what needs to be re-examined as a source of motivation. Truth be told, everyone is rejected again and again, and everyone falls flat on their face more than a few times. Keep doing that. Eventually something will work out. Statistically, it has to. And you definately don't need a master plan or have to find your calling. Just do things randomly that you would prefer to your current situation. Eventully, you'll have done so much that you'll get a better picture of what you enjoy and desire the most. (And I'm not talking grand, sweeping changes here... Just small ones if needs be.) I don't know. (I really don't.) Just don't allow yourself to get so bogged down in second-guessing yourself that six, ten, fifteen years passes and you say, "Shit! I should've done this when I had the chance, or the freedom to, etc." Most specifically what changes do you want to make? I'm really pretty interested as I have just started really trying to change more than a few of my bad, bad habits and have found that changing something about my current direction will probably be the best impetus. I keep thinking to myself: Quit your job. Change what you eat for breakfast. Find a new favorite town. Buy a new book. Pick up painting. Sell all your belongings. Find a new pair of favorite shoes. Take a trip. Move. Go to school. Cut your hair. Get another tattoo. Ditch your roommate. Find a good boy to date. Start researching your book. Just write something. I just don't know what to do... but I hope it's some of the above. My brain's kinda overactive and hard to reign in most the time.
oh boy oh boy. Last night I went to my buddy Jared's house and watched a few fights. He ordered UFC on Pay per view. I'm not a fight kinda guy, but he introduced me to the UFC and Pride a few years ago and every now and then it's really exhilerating to watch. There were a ton of knock outs and even his new...
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No more Staples. It's up and on to better things my friend.

What's UFC?? confused