Honestly, Id more-or-less given up on SG. I like the idea of the site but every journal I saw for weeks on end focused on the same myopic struggles. Today I was perusing the SignalNoisejournal and found a glut of cool people. Anyway, Im back.

What is new with me? Since I last wrote Ive been in Dallas, Louisiana, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Indiana and...
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first - supercool that you're fully funded & tricked out w/a stipend. i know there are cases where folks have to weight "program i want vs. program i can afford" - it's nice to not be in that situation.
another good book about academia is "writing for social sciences" - not so much of a how to get thru grad school book, but the title is pretty self-explanatory. it's actually really short - but then, that's the point right? the guy who wrote it makes some nice arguments about moving beyond jargon & just ya know, trying to be *clear* & have a *point* smile
your quotation from delay is something else. i understand the power dynamics, to some degree, that push politicians to say silly things (b/c ya know, they have to get re-elected & are captured by the soundbyte & thus denied real arguments). and i know how problematic it is to have true deliberative democracy ... but it seems so necessary. otherwise, we just get backed into ideological corners & firm positions - it becomes hard to figure stuff out. our institutions now are doing ok - but i think a shakeup (tho improbable) could do them good.
oh, and you have a research project already to boot? that's sweet. smile
congrats about the phD program! andf short and sweet, I like to fall in some middle ground between ttruth and empiricism, while scientific methods can be useful, I don't feel we can only rely on our five senses to give us all the knowledge there is in this world. i don't feel I can deny the existence of metaphysics and empiricism hasn't found a way to make that tangible yet
Because I can. In honor of MC Paul Barman I'm going to post the lyrics to N.O.W.

(Enter Transgender Organizer)

TG Organizer
RU486ing injustice? If so, then get on the bus this moment. Let's forment dischord in the District of Corruptia. Show your vital signs. It's up to you to keep Title IX's impact intact. No jest. And whichever man has the balls to...
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ah.. the joy of my world
i totally love chicago! it's just a fun place to be. i'm really looking forward to this summer - when my work demands are sooooo much less, so that i can really get out every weekend and explore & enjoy the city. any recommendations on places i should check out?
Ah Jersey. The freshness of the air.

It is high fucking time I talked shop: Politics.

Last night I saw Sage Francis perform with Grand Buffet and Mac Lethal. Im normally an old guard punk, but my tastes broaden every day. From the start I came to punk through pissed off political bands like Bad Religion, Pennywise and Propagandhi. Since then a great quantity of...
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hey there -

portland is super cool. it's got a great mellow vibe, it really pretty (it's green everywhere & it helped that the weather was sunny & mild this past weekend). they also have BEER and tasty FISH. so ya know. ya can't go wrong.

and i'm always up for shooting the shit over hegel & marx. you just name the time & the place wink

glad you had a good time - i always love those little moments that give you hope about the world around you. i'm hardly a big protest fiend - but the few events i've been too, i've also had that rush. that feeling that the world is an ok place, and there are other sane people out there.
I just posted a bunch of travel pictures. I hope they dont make me seem pretentious. I almost never talk about traveling because it makes me feel like Im bragging. Talking about where youve been is somewhat akin to talking about the place you went to school, your income, your grades, your test scores or the length of your cock. I try to avoid all...
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I am back from Cayman and man was it fucking spectacular. I spent all kinds of time with two great girls (friends from school), one of whom is Caymanian. She took us around and fed us all the right foods.

In accord with my plantain proclamation of march 7th, she took me to eat plantains every day. What more can a man ask for?

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i totally love that movie! I studied it in a art/film class and I really enjoyed it. I was just making sure we were talkingh about the same thing. its a pretty amazing film, I havent seen any of his other work tho
I like your avatar!

And your current crush.
I found out today that I get to interview for a PhD program. Nervous? Yes I am.
i dunno. is my comment longer? wink

( i love long comment. long, big, dripping ones...)

woot. these comments are so long i have to take notes on them so that i have some recollection of what you said & what i want to say. that's sweet. smile

anyway. just to try & respond to some of the good points you raise .... (some of these are more tangental than others, sorry for that!)

first, you suggest that the connection that a mother (or either parent maybe even?) feels towards a child is just a feeling. suggesting, i think, that the child is really an independent entity - an end of its own & no one really "owns" it. while i agree that no one owns it ... that argument *does* go against most of what we usually think in western philosophy. i mean, the family is traditionally a priviliged sphere of interconnection - where feelings of love (while 'irrational') are still considered viable & vital. further, i would be hesitant to dismiss 'emotion.' while i don't want to suggest that i'm gonna go all out & dismiss rationality/reason - i do think it is a bold move to privilege 'rational arguments' in all instances. i'm not comfortable w/relegating emotion to a 'lower' place and of less significance - i think it's a legitimate part of the human experience that needs to be considered in social/cultural/political life. but at this point - we're potentially at a crossroads, having more of an *ontological* discussion maybe than one about these specific issues you think?

more back to topic ..

i agree that chidren should not be used as playthings - either to entertain you, or to give your life meaning, or to cement together a relationship. that's all true. but of course, there's not much that we can really do about it. (as you said yourself - government interfernce is usually pretty questionable). so i just wanted to let you know that i'm on the same page w/you there.

but i'm still hesitant about the power of one partner to 'force' adoption. and your point that adoption is generally a good life for the child is well taken - and i think important (& correct). it drops out a whole second set of ethical concerns for us.

ultimately, you make a good point that men are already responsible for their children (however - it would be interesting to know in cases where men do not want the child just how responsibly they actually behave - i'm not aware of this, but it would a useful statistic in this discussion i think) & therefore should have some say in what happens to that child.

but, falling back on philosohical tradition, it is usally understood that children & the family are *unique* - and that traditional rules of society & reason just do not apply. w/in the framework you're working - sort of a kantian framework maybe? (as you focus on reason, people as ends, etc) - i think you're prolly right. but i'm hesitant about applying that to families & mothers. i think it degrades a unique relationship that exists b/c of the state of motherhood. again, it is not rational - but that does not make it *lesser*. it seems like the upshot of the arrangment you're expressing is ultimately worse for women:
an informed, adult couple engages in sexual behavior & an unintended pregnancy results. the man decides to not have the child. this has two possible results -
1. the woman's unique subjective experience of motherhood is devauled - the unique bond of pregnancy is rejected & she is forced to give up the child
2. the woman keeps the child but the man signs away responsibility for caring for the child - despite the fact that he engaged in this behavior knowing the potential outcome (so he is priviliged - he can walk away in a way that women cannot; male privilige is continued) & the woman is left burdened w/a baby & costs (women get the shaft again)

i know this is not the most well-thought out philosophical positin i've staked out here. but i think that families are not abstract entities that can be addressed solely through reason. families get messy & empirical - so the solutions we come up w/for these problems are correspondingly messy.


Ah Baltimore. The getting here wasn't bad but at 35 cents a minute, this post had better be short. I'm on Vacation this weekend in Grand Cayman ARRR!!!, but I might update.

OK, I've successfully stolen the connection from the overpriced internet node.
omigosh i hope youre okay!
Yesterday night my plane was struck by lightning so I missed my connection to New Orleans and wound up sleeping in Atlanta thanks to the shittiest airline ever.

As a consequence of this calamity (nothing is ever wholly bad or good), I got to know a Turkish Engineer who is going to take me to a huge Turk party in Chicago this month. I...
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the benefits package is basically all we've been playing with for awhile now, so....that part isn't complicated....particularly since we intend to try to get back together once we're in the same city.

and damn...plane struck by lightning. that's intense.

btw...great film list...you have a few on there i forgot to add to my list. wink
On Death

On Saturday I was a pallbearer in a dear friend's funeral. Ive been thinking a lot about why our ceremonies are so gendered and these are my thoughts.

Somehow gender seems to outlive its hosts.

The woman who passed away was a spectacular grandmother. She was intelligent, thoughtful and loving. She had a bright smile that stretched her skin taught when she laughed....
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I'm sincerely sorry for your loss. I remember when my grandmother's funeral and it's still crystal clear in my mind... I really enjoyed reading your quiet and articulate observations, I think you wrote about it in a really intricate and powerful way and I think you are right. I def. hate how when women can't yell about something w/o being seen as "bitchy" whereas when a guy yells, it is taken seriously.
Thanks. Death is an interesting thing to celebrate. I'm thankful she lived a life worth celebrating.

That is some serious Hegel reading. How is it treating you?

SlithyTove, I feel you on the bitchiness issue. It is far from fair.
I love how it says "you have no friends... Ha ha." New goal: make friends. Did they have to capitalize the first Ha? It makes it so much worse.
you can be my friend too.. we like paul barman... that makes us infinitely cooler than anyone on this site... but shhhhhhhhhhh! don't tell anyone.. they'll be all jealous an' shit
Awwww, shit! Check us out with our rocktastic birthdays.
I joined SG 'cause the Burlesque tour was so great. Now I don't know quite what to write about. This will probably suck, but it is a start.

I almost hit an owl tonight on the highway. I wonder if owls are blinded by headlights. Anyway, I missed her. I hope she had a chance to finish her dinner before she flew away.

I also...
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