so tuesday i went and saw CkY and they were fuckin AWSOME!! im in love with chad ginsburgs bottom lip and his ass and his bitchin hair.
the knives and fireball ministry played too
the knives are now my new fav band! LeVon(the lead singer) is a hottie! his voice makes my heart race and make me want to get up and dance like a...
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ok so more boy dramas.... i was with my ex's friend for like 3 days and we ended it last night becuz the ex had to be a dramatic and end up in the hospital... gawd i hate drama!!!! confused
yay i finally got my hair cut!!! its all short now!! biggrin biggrin i got it dyed too by my friend mavi biggrin its balck(duh) and im gonna put bleached chunks in it in probly a couple weeks.

so i had some boy drama for a few days which was stoopid but now i've moved on... and im happy again.

saturday im doin my foster parenting classes which...
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stoopid people! mad mad

tomorrow i have my foster parent classes biggrin biggrin biggrin
im soooo happy!!! i can't wait till the 13th kuz me and my mom are gonna be goin to this class to be foster parents for kitties and puppies and then we have another one on the 19th and then we might have lil fur balls runnin around here. i love kitties even tho when i was little i used to HATE cats kuz when...
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guys r gay..mmk

mad mad frown
Nah, just the gay ones.
i need to get laid sooooo bad!! my on and off again bf are havin these really hot but quick make outs and its drivin me up the wall!!! i really need it and i kno he does too kuz he hasn't gotten any in like 2 years. if he ain't gonna give me any then i guess i can get some from that dude...
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would this be a Flogging Molly shirt???
if so they ROCK............... ARRR!!!
so we got the kitty!!! we named her abbi. shes such a ball of energy. she sleeps alot too...its too cute. i don't have any good pix of her yet but i have a cute ass video that i have no idea how to put on here.
i'll post pix later biggrin love