And I'm back again...
Right after my last post, my computer actually crashed one last time... its final time... its fatal time.
So, I had to finally go out and get myself a new computer.
Still setting it up... but, at least I'm back!

Fucking A, everyone! I'm back!!!!!!

My computer crashed real hard and I've been without internet for what seems like forever!
I finally was able to get hooked back up last night, and was finally able to stay on long enough to get some anti-virus and anti spyware programs downloaded and running.

My computer is finally working again!!!! Yay!

I don't really have time at this...
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Still having issues with my computer... can only get online sporadically. Still not sure if I was hit by a virus or spyware, but it actually looks it may have been both.
Whatever is causing the demise of my computer, it's basically affected my e-mail and browser the most. For example, I can't look at sets without my browser crashing; or if I try to...
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Sorry I've been away for so long...
my computer is just about dead.

A couple of weeks ago, I caught a virus or some kind of spyware that I have not been able to clear. It's making my puter run at slower than impossible speeds and also sorts of other freaky stuff. I can only get online for short periods of time, yada yada yada....
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The past couple of months has not been very kind to me... I need to do something to try to break free of all this negativity.

I'm going to ask you all if you have any ideas of what I could or should do to help me out.

Here's the problem... I'm not going to be able to take time off from work for a...
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If you dig in my blog you'll see I'm kinda in the same boat. However, I've loaded up on projects myself and it's made me way happier. I would suggest the same thing. Also, if you do get a photo shoot together, I would love to come and observe -maybe I could learn a few things from you, and if you wanted to tag along for some of the video stuff I'm working on, you would be welcome. smile
Is it just me or does it seem like there are longer and more commercials on TV than there used to be?
Join my group! SG Central Valley
yesterday was sooo hot over here too... but i think not that hot... the heat will come as heavy as there soon...its like crazy blackeyed
thanks for checking out the set!
Well, now I know why the sheriffs made such a big stink regarding my boat which led to it getting towed away... which I still haven't gotten back, btw... tomorrow!
It seems that the sheriffs responded to my house alarm going off while I was at work, and the alarm company wasn't able to get ahold of me. Guess I should give them my cell...
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Are you going to the Stilldream Collective in Angels Camp this coming weekend?

You should! And you should bring your camera to shoot some photos of me wink
Fuckin' Sherriffs towed my boat away while I was at work...
Now I gotta pay the fuckin' tow fee and whatever other fees to get it out of impound, or whatever it's called... I don't have any money right now!
They said it wasn't parked correctly and that it was blocking the sidewalk.
I left plenty of room on that sidewalk!
And what the shit...
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someone probably complained. I think as long as a wheelchair can get by you are safe. Otherwise sue their asses. biggrin
glad you liked my set!! thanks for letting me know smile
I hope so!
thanks luv! pics look great!
30 years ago today (although most of you weren't even born yet) a movie hit the big screen that would forever change the history of how people view movies. And most of you probably don't even realize this impact because you don't really understand how movies were seen before this particular one. Many of you take for granted the special effects that are put into...
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Any relation to The Jedi Holiday today?

He indeed revolutionized film making. Had I been alive I would've been stunned.
God bless George Lucas and all his firneds at Industrial Light and Magic for three of the greatest films ever....and changing special effects for all of eternity!

"I find your lack of faith disturbing"
Why is it that every female I befriend who has a boyfriend or husband eventually gets accused of having an affair with me?